
男:〔唔,不如去Time Square啦,那兒有蘋果倒數,又可以看到明星!〕
女:〔峰峰峰峰峰,你才瘋呀!你這個人真的很悶呀,倒數每年只有一次而已,為什麼你連一丁兒的新意也沒有?算了吧,今年倒數我不會跟你過的,你回家聽著張國榮的〔陪你倒數〕吧,我們分手吧 !!! 〕
說罷,女生頭也不回,挽著別的男生的手轉身走了;而男卻只好呆呆地站著,他的眼眶也紅了 T.T~~~

(2010黃山倒數)--- 行社與你見証2011第一道曙光
日期:30/12/2010 (星期四) ---  3/1/2011(星期一) (5日4夜)
地點:屯溪老街,宏村,黃山風景區,杭州西湖,清河仿古街 (詳細行程可參考附加檔案)

當然還有我們重頭戲 --- 黃山頂上看日出。我們會乘索道(登山纜車)先上半山,然後徒步(約4、5小時)登上山頂,晚上宿於山上旅館,並於超過海拔一千八百米之山頂上迎接2011年的來臨。

2011年1月1日清晨,我們會於一望無際的雲海中見証年度之光,為新一年譜上璀璨的開端。 「上有天堂,下有蘇杭」,欣賞完天上的良辰,我們會遠赴杭州,船遊西湖。〔未能?得杭州去,一半勾留是此湖〕,透過遠眺平湖秋月、西冷橋、蘇小小亭等美景,我們可以了解白居易此時此刻此景的心情。船遊西湖後,我們會有西湖單車自由行,讓大家可以寫意地飽遊覽西湖全境。入夜後更可自由地於西湖食街大快朵頤。

1) 電郵留下姓名、電話、電郵地址及FB;
2) 電話留位:致電HENRY @64232558 或TERRY @62254334;
3) 親臨行社Counter報名@ 12:30pm to 5:30pm
a) 18/10-22/10 counter@ 創新科技培育館(TIIB)117室(學生會辦事處上一層)
b) 25/10-26/10 counter@ KK Leung Podium

Email: ramblers@hkusua.hku.hk
Website: http://www.hku.hk/ramblers/47/
Facebook: ramblers46@gmail.com

2010 Countdown in Huang Shan (Yellow Mountain in China)
Have you planned anything about this New Year’s Eve?
Having countdown again among the hustle and bustle of a city full of skyscrapers?
Want something special and unique?
Why not come countdown with us in Huang Shan, a mountain range located in the southern part of Anhui province in China !

Date: 30/12/2010 — 3/1/2011 (Thur –Mon) (5 Days 4 Nights)
Venue: Huang Shan and Hang Zhou, CHINA
Price: $ 3500- $4000
(including air ticket, tax, admission tickets, accommodation and meals, transport, tips, and insurance)
* you have to pay $500 as deposit first, which is NON-REFUNDABLE when you sign up.

Trip highlights:
1. Appreciate the best ever classical Chinese natural scenery in Huang Shan.
2. Get in touch with the UNESCO heritage sites, e.g. Tun Xi and Huang Shan.
3. Climb to the top of the mountain (>1800 m high), appreciating the artistic work of nature at the same time.
4. Stay overnight at the peak, waiting for the FIRST sunrise in 2011 !!!
5. Sail around Xi Hu (West Lake), which is renowned for its picturesque landscape with many surrounding artistic ancient Chinese buildings.
6. Have a romantic bike ride around the West lake, exploring every bit of details of the tranquil lake.
7. Savor the famous cuisines of China throughout the trip.

Only 25 seats are available!
Don’t miss the chance to explore all those picturesque sceneries and learn more about the beauty of ancient China!

Grasp the chance by simply:
1. Sending us an e-mail with your name, UID, e-mail and phone no.
2. Contacting our excos Henry@ 6423 2558 or Terry @ 62254334
3. Visiting our counter@ 12:30pm to 5:30pm
a) 18/10-22/10 counter@ Rm 117, Technology Innovation and Incubation Building (TIIB)
b) 25/10-26/10 counter@ KK Leung Podium
See you in Huang Shan!

The Ramblers’ Club, HKUSU
Session 2010-2011
Email: ramblers@hkusua.hku.hk
Website: http://www.hku.hk/ramblers/47/
Facebook: ramblers46@gmail.com