Arts Association, H.K.U.S.U., Session 2010-2011

About Arts Student Council, A.A.H.K.U.S.U.:

  The Arts Students’ Council shall possess an authority second to the General Meetings of the Association. It functions as a mean to present all the students of the Faculty in all matters affecting their interests; to afford an official medium of communication among all the Arts courses, students, the cademic Society(ies), the Students’ Union and the University authorities; to discuss and resolve on all matters concerning the interests of the members as a whole and to supervise and deal with all matters of the Academic Society(ies).


a) The Council Chairman;
b) The Secretary to the Council;
c) The members of the Executive Committee of the Association:
d) Two representatives including the Chairman or Vice-Chairman from each Affiliated Organization;
e) The Student Members of Board of Faculty of Arts upon invitation;
f) Four Ordinary Member Councillors;
g) Two Past Council Representatives;

Standing Committees:

  The A.S.C.A.A.H.K.U.S.U. comprises of five standing committees:

Awards Committee:

i. to encourage and reward those subcommittee members and workers offering valuable help to any internal structural student body(ies) in the Association;
ii. to encourage and reward those participating in inter-faculty sports activities.
i. to set criteria leading to the awards;
ii. to scrutinize the nomination submitted to the Committee; prepare the name list of Candidate(s);
iv. to be responsible for the presentation of the awards

Committee of Constitution Review:

i. to keep a regular review of the structure and organization of the Association;
ii. to keep a regular review of the constitutions, by-law of the Association and all constitutional amendments of its internal structural student body(ies) shall be submitted to the Committee for recommendations before presenting them to the respective General Meeting(s) or General Polling(s) for approval.
iii. to advise the Council on all matters concerning the application for affiliation or disaffiliation of any student body(ies).

Current Affairs Committee:

i. to promote external affairs, bring basic information to members and to carry out in depth discussion on external affairs;
ii. to respond to current affairs/ issues on behalf of the Arts Students’ Council;
iii. the response made shall be submitted to the Arts Students’ Council.

Faculty Affairs Committee:

i. to study and collect information on all matters relating to the University and Faculty Affairs, to report and advise Council concerning academic affairs which are in the students’ interests;
ii. to coordinate the efforts of student members serving in official boards or committees for the discussion of University and Faculty affairs.

Finance Committee:

i. to scrutinize the budget(s) of the internal structural body(ies) and the Association Central;
ii. to receive, consider and give recommendation on any application directed to the Union from any internal structural student body(ies) for subsidy; approve or disapprove any applications of fund-raising activity(ies) from any internal structural student body(ies);
iv. to advise the Council on all matters of the finance of the Association and its internal structural student body(ies).