

香港大學(港大)副校長(學術發展)、地球科學系全球可持續發展講席教授宮鵬教授,於4月25日出席2023年世界數據論壇澳門衛星論壇。宮教授在專場“Dealing with Data Dilemmas – Towards a Human-centred Systems Approach to Sustainable Data and Digital Technology Development”(「應對數據困境 — 走向以人為本的系統方法,實現數據和數據技術的可持續發展」)發表題為“Global seamless data cube and iMap” (「全球無縫數據立方體和智慧製圖」)的演說。他又應邀與聯合國副秘書長、聯合國大學(UNU)校長Tshilidzi Marwala教授,聯合國亞洲及太平洋經濟社會委員會(UN ESCAP)信息通訊技術及減少災害風險委員會會長Tiziana Bonapace女士會面,探討港大與聯合國和聯合國大學在研究、教學,以及知識交流等方面加强協作。

同日,Tiziana Bonapace女士到訪港大校園,跟地理系的學者舉行圓桌會議,就多方面的議題作深入探討交流。會議由地理系系主任梁順林教授主持,介紹學系的研究工作和教研團隊,並聚焦正迅速發展的地理空間數據科學的戰略性主題研究,學系未來將會與UN ESCAP的53個成員國在研究、教學和知識交流等多方面加强合作,為人類面對的一些迫切性議題共同尋找解決方案。

尹慧筠  電話:2859 2600 | 電郵:melwkwan@hku.hk
吳婷 電話:3910 3612| 電郵: ngjaymee@hku.hk
蔡建豪 電話:2859 2607|電郵: khkchoi@hku.hk


新聞稿網上版及照片,請瀏覽: http://www.hku.hk/press/c_news_detail_26074.html



HKU Vice President Professor Peng Gong speaks on
Sustainable data at 2023 World Data Forum Macau Satellite Event

Professor Peng Gong, Vice President (Academic Development) and Chair Professor of Global Sustainability at HKU, gave a speech at the 2023 World Data Forum Macau Satellite Event in Macau on April 25 on “Global seamless data cube and iMap” under the session “Dealing with Data Dilemmas – Towards a Human-centred Systems Approach to Sustainable Data and Digital Technology Development”. During the event, Professor Gong was invited to meet with Professor Tshilidzi Marwala, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN) and Rector of United Nations University (UNU), and Ms. Tiziana Bonapace, Director of Information and Communications Technology and Disaster Risk Reduction Division, of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP), to explore potential collaborations in research, teaching, and knowledge exchange between HKU, UN, and UNU.

On the same day, Ms. Tiziana Bonapace visited the HKU campus in Hong Kong and had a fruitful round-table discussion with academics at the Department of Geography. Professor Shunlin Liang, Head of the Department, chaired the round-table session and introduced the research and teaching teams, with a focus on the rapidly growing team of geospatial data science strategic theme. The discussion identified great potential for collaborations regarding research, teaching, and knowledge exchange between HKU Geography and the 53 member countries of UN ESCAP.

For Media enquiries, please contact:
Communications and Public Affairs Office
Ms Melanie Wan (Tel: 2859 2600 / Email: melwkwan@hku.hk)
Ms Jaymee Ng (Tel: 3910 3612 / Email: ngjaymee@hku.hk)
Mr Kenneth Choi (Tel: 2859 2607 / Email: khkchoi@hku.hk)




For the online press release and photos, please visit: http://www.hku.hk/press/news_detail_26074.html