Researcher : Chan RCK

List of Research Outputs


Chan R.C.K., Chen E.Y.H. and Law C.W., Specific executive dysfunction in patients with first-episode medicatino-naive schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Research. 2006, 82: 51-64.


Ma X.H., Wang Q., Sham P.C., Liu X.H., Rabe-Hesketh S., Sun X.L., Meng H.Q., Chen W., Chen E.Y.H., Deng W., Chan R.C.K., Murray R.M., Collier D.A. and Li T., Neurocognitive deficits in first-episode schizophrenic patients and their first-degree relatives, American Journal of Medical Genetics. 2006, 141B(7): 775.


Ma X.H., Wang Q., Sham P.C., Liu X.H., Rabe-Hesketh S., Sun X.L., Meng H.Q., Chen W., Chen E.Y.H., Deng W., Chan R.C.K., Murray R.M., Collier D.A. and Li T., Neurocognitive deficits in first-episode schizophrenic patients and their first-degree relatives, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B-Neuropsychiatric Genetics. 2006, 141B: 775.


Wang Q., Chan R.C.K., Sun J.H., Yao J., Deng W., Sun X.L., Liu X.H., Sham P.C., Ma X.H., Meng H.Q., Murray R.M., Collier D.A. and Li T., Reaction time of the Continuous Performance Test is an endophenotypic marker for schizophrenia: A study of first-episode neuroleptic-naive schizophrenia, their non-psychotic first-degree relatives and healthy population controls, Schizophrenia Research. 2007, 89(1-3): 293-298.


Researcher : Chen EYH

Project Title:

Outcome of an early intervention programme for psychosis (EASY): a case controlled study


Chen EYH, Chan RCK



Source(s) of Funding:

Health and Health Services Research Fund - Full Grants

Start Date:




The study will help identify the effectiveness of early intervention for psychosis in Hong Kong. In addition to a broad range of outcome asssessment, it will provide service utilization and functioning data for cost effectiveness evaluation. The study will also identify areas of unmet needs and provide guidance for future service development.


Project Title:

Duration of maintenance anti-psychotic therapy after first-episode schizophrenia: a double-blind randomized placebo-control relapse prevention study


Chen EYH, Law CW, Chiu CPY



Source(s) of Funding:

Competitive Earmarked Research Grants (CERG)

Start Date:




To study the efficacy of relapse prevetion by maintenance antipsychotic therapy in patients who had responded well and remained well for 12 months following a first-episode schizophrenia.


List of Research Outputs


Chan R.C.K., Chen E.Y.H. and Law C.W., Specific executive dysfunction in patients with first-episode medicatino-naive schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Research. 2006, 82: 51-64.


Chen E.Y.H., A population-based approach to Early Psychosis in Hong Kong, Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists. Hong Kong, 2006.


Chen E.Y.H., A population-based approach to early psychosis in Hong Kong, The 2nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Schizophrenia Research. Toyama, Japan, Japanese Society of Schizophrenia Research, 2007.


Chen E.Y.H., A population-based early intervention model: concepts and issues, 30th Annual Meeting of the Canadian College of Neuropsychopharmacology. Canada, University of Alberta, 2007.


Chen E.Y.H., Hui L.M.C., Chiu C.P.Y. and Law C.W., Cognitive correlates of semantic language disorder in first-episode schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Bulletin. 2007, 33: 214.


Chen E.Y.H., Early Psychosis in Hong Kong: Processes and Outcome, International Conference on Schizophrenia (ICONS). Chennai, India, Schizophrenia Research Foundation (SCARF), 2006.


Chen E.Y.H., Editorial Board (2005-present), Chinese Medical Journal. 2006.


Chen E.Y.H., Editorial Board (2006-present), Early Intervention in Psychiatry. 2006.


Chen E.Y.H., Editorial Board (from 2003- present), Schizophrenia Research. 2006.


Chen E.Y.H., Phase specific intervention for early psychosis, Toho Asia International Symposium in Psychiatry. Tokyo, Japan, Toho University, 2007.


Chen E.Y.H., Phase-specific intervention for early psychosis, Journal of the Medical Society of Toho University. 2007, 54 (3): 208 (48).


Chen E.Y.H., Subjective Experience in the Recovery Process: Psychopathological Issues, Workshop on Evaluating Experiential Dimensions of Early Psychosis. Hong Kong, Hong Kong Early Psychosis Intervention Society, 2007.


Chen E.Y.H., Uncovering the Mysterious Veil of Psychotic Disorders, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, HKU, 120th Anniversary Public Lecture Series. Hong Kong, 2007.


Cheung V., Chua S.E., McAlonan G.M., Chen E.Y.H. and Khong P.L., Connectivity along white mater tracts in drug-naive patients of first-episode psychosis: a diffusion tensor tractography study, Hong Kong Society of Biological Psychiatry Conference 2006. Hong Kong Academy of Medicine.


Chua S.E., Cheung C., Cheung V., Tsang J.T.K., Chen E.Y.H., Wong J.C.H., Cheung J.P.Y., Yip L., Tai K.S., Suckling J. and McAlonan G.M., Cerebral grey, white matter & CSF in never-medicated, first-episode Schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Research. 2006, 89: 12-21.


Deng Y., Cheung V., Cheung C., Chen E.Y.H., Tsang J.T.K., Wong J.C.H., Yip L., Tai K.S., Suckling J., Bullmore E., McAlonan G.M. and Chua S.E., Early cerebral grey matter excess in basal ganglia after early treatment in first-onset, never-medicated schisophrenia, 13th Annual Meeting Human Brain Mapping. Chicago, USA, 2007.


Deng Y., Cheung V., Cheung C., Chen E.Y.H., Tsang J.T.K., Wong J.C.H., Yip L., Tai K.S., Suckling J., Bullmore E., McAlonan G.M. and Chua S.E., Early cerebral grey matter excess in basal ganglia after early treatment in first-onset, never-medicated schizophrenia, 2nd International Congress of Biological Psychiatry 2007. Santiago, Chile.


Ho H.W., Chen E.Y.H., Chan R.C.K., Wong C.W., Hung S.F., Chung D.W.S., Ng S.M. and Chan C.L.W., Efficacy of a brief intervention for carers of people with first-episode psychosis: a waiting list controlled study, Hong Kong Journal of Psychiatry. 2006, 16: 92-100.


Hui C.L.M. and Chen E.Y.H., Relapse and medication adherence in first-episode psychosis, Journal of the Medical Society of Toho University. 2007, 54 (3): 208 (48).


Hui L.M.C., Chen E.Y.H. and Law C.W., Cognitive correlates of the Hayling sentence completion test in first-episode schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Bulletin. 2007, 33: 525.


Lai C.T., Sutherland S.K., Shan J.J. and Chen E.Y.H., Remember-fX (HT1001) improved visual working memory in schziophrenic patients: a double-blind, placebo controlled study, 30th Annual meeting of the Canadian College of Neuropsychopharmacology. Banff, Alberta, Canada, 2007.


Lee T.M.C., Chan M.W.C., Chan C.C.H., Gao J., Wang K. and Chen E.Y.H., Prose memory dificits associated with schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Research. 2006, 81: 199-209.


Liu K.Y., Chen E.Y.H., Chan C.L.W., Lee D.T.S., Law Y.W., Conwell Y. and Yip P.S.F., Socio-economic and psychological correlates of suicidality among Hong Kong working-age adults: results from a population-based survey, Psychological Medicine. United Kingdom, Cambridge University Press, 2006, 36: 1759-1767.


Ma X.H., Wang Q., Sham P.C., Liu X.H., Rabe-Hesketh S., Sun X.L., Meng H.Q., Chen W., Chen E.Y.H., Deng W., Chan R.C.K., Murray R.M., Collier D.A. and Li T., Neurocognitive deficits in first-episode schizophrenic patients and their first-degree relatives, American Journal of Medical Genetics. 2006, 141B(7): 775.


Ma X.H., Wang Q., Sham P.C., Liu X.H., Rabe-Hesketh S., Sun X.L., Meng H.Q., Chen W., Chen E.Y.H., Deng W., Chan R.C.K., Murray R.M., Collier D.A. and Li T., Neurocognitive deficits in first-episode schizophrenic patients and their first-degree relatives, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B-Neuropsychiatric Genetics. 2006, 141B: 775.


Ran M., Chen E.Y.H., Conwell Y., Chan C.L.W., Yip P.S.F., Xiang M. and Caine E.D., Mortality in people with schizophrenia in rural China: 10-year cohort study, British Journal of Psychiatry. 2007, 190: 237-242.


Wong A.W.S., Chiu C.Y., Mok J.W.Y., Wong J.G.W.S. and Chen E.Y.H., The role of knowledge and motivation in symptom identification accuracy among schizophrenic patients: Application of signal detection theory, British Journal of Clinical Psychology. The British Psychological Society, 2006, 45: 427-436.


Researcher : Chen RYL

Project Title:

Psychological and biological risk factors associated with Pathological Gambling


Sham PC



Source(s) of Funding:

Small Project Funding

Start Date:




To identify psychological risk factors in terms of personality traits as well as genetic risk factors in terms of genetic polymorphisms with respects to certain candidate genes associated with Pathological Gambling (PG) in Hong Kong Chinese; to figure out the patterns in terms of the risk factors mentioned in pathological gamblers engaging in different forms of gambling.


List of Research Outputs


Cheng Y.W., Ng M.L., Ko S.N. and Chen R.Y.L., Physical activity and erectile dysfunction: meta-analysis of population-base studies, International Journal of Impotence Research. 2006.


Cheng Y.W., Ng M.L., Chen R.Y.L. and Ko S.N., Prevalence of erectile dysfunction in Asian populations: a meta-analysis, International Journal of Impotence Research. 2006.


Iwata Y., Nakajima M., Yamada K., Nakamura K., Sekine Y., Tsuchiya K.J., Sugihara G., Matsuzaki H., Suda S., Suzuki K., Takei N., Mori N., Iwayama Y., Takao H., Yoshikawa T., Riley B., Makoff A., Sham P.C., Chen R.Y.L. and Collier D., Linkage disequilibrium analysis of CHRNA7 gene and its partially duplicated region in schizophrenia, Neuroscience Research. 2007, 57(2): 194-202.


Researcher : Cheng YW

List of Research Outputs


Cheng Y.W. and Ng M.L., Body mass index, physical activity and erectile dysfunction – U-shaped relationship from population-based study, International Journal of Obesity. 2007.


Cheng Y.W., Ng M.L., Ko S.N. and Chen R.Y.L., Physical activity and erectile dysfunction: meta-analysis of population-base studies, International Journal of Impotence Research. 2006.


Cheng Y.W., Ng M.L., Chen R.Y.L. and Ko S.N., Prevalence of erectile dysfunction in Asian populations: a meta-analysis, International Journal of Impotence Research. 2006.


Researcher : Cherny SS

List of Research Outputs


Andresen J.M., Gayán J., Cherny S.S., Brocklebank D., Alkorta-Aranburu G., Addis E.A., The US-Venezuela Collaborative Research Group , Cardon L.R., Housman D.E. and Wexler N.S., Replication of twelve association studies for Huntington's disease residual age of onset in large Venezuelan kindreds, Journal of Medical Genetics. 2007, 44: 44-50.


Andresen J.M., Gayán J., Djoussé L., Roberts S., Brocklebank D., Cherny S.S., The US-Venezuela Collaborative Research Group , The HD MAPS Collaborative Research Group , Cardon L.R., Gusella J.F., MacDonald M.E., Myers R.H., Housman D.E. and Wexler N.S., The relationship between CAG repeat length and age of onset differs for Huntington's Disease patients with juvenile onset or adult onset, Annals of Human Genetics. 2007, 71: 295-301.


Cherny S.S., QTL Methodology in Behavior Genetics: from Linkage to Genomewide Association, 37th Annual Meeting of the Behavior Genetics Association (abstract appears in Behavior Genetics). 2007, 37.


Gayan J., Brocklebank D., Andresen J.M., Alkorta-Aranburu G., Cader M.Z., Roberts S.A., Cherny S.S., Wexler N.S., Cardon L.R. and Housman D.E., Genomewide linkage analysis of age of onset of Huntington's Disease, 37th Annual Meeting of the Behavior Genetics Association (abstract appears in Behavior Genetics). 2007, 37.


Hopfer C.J., Lessem J.M., Hartman C.A., Stallings M.C., Cherny S.S., Corley R.P., Hewitt J.K., Krauter K.S., Mikulich-Gilbertson S.K., Rhee S.H., Smolen A., Young S.E. and Crowley T.J., A genome-wide scan for loci influencing adolescent cannabis dependence symptoms: Evidence for linkage on chromosomes 3 and 9, Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2007, 89: 34-41.


Researcher : Cheung C

List of Research Outputs


Chua S.E., Cheung C., Cheung V., Tsang J.T.K., Chen E.Y.H., Wong J.C.H., Cheung J.P.Y., Yip L., Tai K.S., Suckling J. and McAlonan G.M., Cerebral grey, white matter & CSF in never-medicated, first-episode Schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Research. 2006, 89: 12-21.


Deng Y., Cheung V., Cheung C., Chen E.Y.H., Tsang J.T.K., Wong J.C.H., Yip L., Tai K.S., Suckling J., Bullmore E., McAlonan G.M. and Chua S.E., Early cerebral grey matter excess in basal ganglia after early treatment in first-onset, never-medicated schisophrenia, 13th Annual Meeting Human Brain Mapping. Chicago, USA, 2007.


Deng Y., Cheung V., Cheung C., Chen E.Y.H., Tsang J.T.K., Wong J.C.H., Yip L., Tai K.S., Suckling J., Bullmore E., McAlonan G.M. and Chua S.E., Early cerebral grey matter excess in basal ganglia after early treatment in first-onset, never-medicated schizophrenia, 2nd International Congress of Biological Psychiatry 2007. Santiago, Chile.


Lee A.M., Wong J.G.W.S., McAlonan G.M., Cheung V., Cheung C., Sham P.C., Chu C.M., Wong P.C., Tsang K.W.T. and Chua S.E., Stress and psychological distress among SARS survivors 1 year after the outbreak, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry-Revue Canadienne De Psychiatrie. 2007, 52(4): 233-240.


McAlonan G.M., Lee A.M., Cheung V., Cheung C., Tsang K.W.T., Sham P.C., Chua S.E. and Wong J.G.W.S., Immediate and sustained psychological impact of an emerging infectious disease outbreak on health care workers, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry-Revue Canadienne De Psychiatrie. 2007, 52(4): 241-247.


McAlonan G.M., Cheung V., Cheung C., Chua S.E., Murphy D.G.M., Suckling J., Tai K.S., Yip L.K.C., Leung P. and Ho T.P., Mapping brain structure in attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder: A voxel-based MRI study of regional grey and white matter volume, Psychiatry Research Neuroimaging. Elsevier, 2006, 154: 171-180.


Researcher : Cheung V

List of Research Outputs


Cheung V., Chua S.E., McAlonan G.M., Chen E.Y.H. and Khong P.L., Connectivity along white mater tracts in drug-naive patients of first-episode psychosis: a diffusion tensor tractography study, Hong Kong Society of Biological Psychiatry Conference 2006. Hong Kong Academy of Medicine.


Cheung V., Connectivity along white matter tracts in drug-naive patients of first-episode psychosis: a diffusion tensor tractography study, Post-graduate symposium 2006, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong. 2006.


Chua S.E., Cheung C., Cheung V., Tsang J.T.K., Chen E.Y.H., Wong J.C.H., Cheung J.P.Y., Yip L., Tai K.S., Suckling J. and McAlonan G.M., Cerebral grey, white matter & CSF in never-medicated, first-episode Schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Research. 2006, 89: 12-21.


Deng Y., Cheung V., Cheung C., Chen E.Y.H., Tsang J.T.K., Wong J.C.H., Yip L., Tai K.S., Suckling J., Bullmore E., McAlonan G.M. and Chua S.E., Early cerebral grey matter excess in basal ganglia after early treatment in first-onset, never-medicated schisophrenia, 13th Annual Meeting Human Brain Mapping. Chicago, USA, 2007.


Deng Y., Cheung V., Cheung C., Chen E.Y.H., Tsang J.T.K., Wong J.C.H., Yip L., Tai K.S., Suckling J., Bullmore E., McAlonan G.M. and Chua S.E., Early cerebral grey matter excess in basal ganglia after early treatment in first-onset, never-medicated schizophrenia, 2nd International Congress of Biological Psychiatry 2007. Santiago, Chile.


Lee A.M., Wong J.G.W.S., McAlonan G.M., Cheung V., Cheung C., Sham P.C., Chu C.M., Wong P.C., Tsang K.W.T. and Chua S.E., Stress and psychological distress among SARS survivors 1 year after the outbreak, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry-Revue Canadienne De Psychiatrie. 2007, 52(4): 233-240.


McAlonan G.M., Lee A.M., Cheung V., Cheung C., Tsang K.W.T., Sham P.C., Chua S.E. and Wong J.G.W.S., Immediate and sustained psychological impact of an emerging infectious disease outbreak on health care workers, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry-Revue Canadienne De Psychiatrie. 2007, 52(4): 241-247.


McAlonan G.M., Cheung V., Cheung C., Chua S.E., Murphy D.G.M., Suckling J., Tai K.S., Yip L.K.C., Leung P. and Ho T.P., Mapping brain structure in attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder: A voxel-based MRI study of regional grey and white matter volume, Psychiatry Research Neuroimaging. Elsevier, 2006, 154: 171-180.


Rudowicz E., Yue X. and Cheung V., Factor structure of the Style of Creative Behaviour model in Hong Kong Chinese undergraduates, The 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Giftedness. Taipei, Taiwan, 2006.


Toulopoulou T., Chua S.E., Lam I., Cheung V., Murray R.M. and David A.S., Evidence of normal hearing laterality in familial schizophrenic patients and their relatives, American Journal of Medical Genetics. 2007.


Researcher : Chiu CPY

List of Research Outputs


Chen E.Y.H., Hui L.M.C., Chiu C.P.Y. and Law C.W., Cognitive correlates of semantic language disorder in first-episode schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Bulletin. 2007, 33: 214.


Researcher : Chua SE

Project Title:

Brain mapping social impairment in autism


Chua SE, Fung PCW, Tai KS, McAlonan GM



Source(s) of Funding:

Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research

Start Date:




To determine what regions of brain contribute to social impairment in children with autism; the results of the study will help elucidate the causes of autism, and perhaps lead to more effective treatments.


Project Title:

Anatomy and connectivity in Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). A voxel based morphometry and diffusion tensor imaging study.


Chua SE, McAlonan GM, Khong PL, Tai KS, Cheung V



Source(s) of Funding:

Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research

Start Date:




1) To assess the integrity of white matter tracts connecting regions of neuropathology considered important to control of attention and executive processes. With the advent of Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) we are now in a position to do this and in the current project will apply this "cutting-edge" technology to the problem of ADHD 2) This study will rescan the children scanned 4 years ago in our first investigation and examine brain maturational progress in conjunction with symptom rating.


Project Title:

Early effects of anti-psychotic drugs on brain growth and gene expression in schizophrenia. A pilot study.


Chua SE, McAlonan GM, Chen EYH, Wong JGWS, Law CW, Chiu CPY



Source(s) of Funding:

Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research

Start Date:




OBJECTIVES : This is a pilot study to investigate the feasibility of using MRI and microarray to study the early effects of anti-psychotic drugs on brain growth and gene expression. Since microarray is expensive, with budget constraints it is fair to adopt a sample size of n=6. Our project objectives are to determine the feasibility of : (1) recruitment of subjects with first-onset schizophrenia (n=12) for MRI brain scan at time 0 and 3 weeks, (2) peripheral blood taking of these subjects at weeks 0, 3(3) microarray analysis protocol (n=6, see below) at the Genome Research Centre . SUMMARY : Schizophrenia is a heritable, serious mental disorder, affecting 1% people worldwide. It usually presents in young adults with psychosis i.e. hallucinations or delusions. Anti-psychotic drugs classically block dopamine receptors in the basal ganglia (striatum) in the brain and take effect after 3 weeks (Johnstone et al 1978). There are a range of brain morphological abnormalities in schizophrenia including ventricular enlargement, smaller brain volume, reduced fronto-temporal volume, increased caudate volume (Wright et al 2000) but these have mainly been studied in chornic patients who have been treated with neuroleptic medication. Chronicity and neuroleptic treatment are known to affect interpretation of brain morphological differences. Thus, in recent years, the research focus in brain imaging has turned to newly-ill and neuroleptic-naïve patients. In the first comprehensive voxel-based MRI study of never-medicated patients with first episode of schizophrenia, we reported significantly smaller volumes of caudate nuclei of the dopamine-rich basal ganglia (Chua et al, 2005a, in submission). Current evidence suggests anti-psychotics reverse this abnormality after 3 (Massana et al 2005) to 15 months (Chakos 1994). However, our pilot data comparing medicated and never-medicated patients with schizophrenia clearly suggested caudate volume normalization as early as 3 weeks post-treatment (Chua et al, 2005b, in submission). Coinciding with clinical recovery, it suggests a role for anti-psychotic agents in gene expression controlling brain growth. We now ask : (1) Can this novel effect be confirmed in a single cohort of individuals pre and post treatment and what is its genetic basis? We propose a prospective longitudinal MRI and gene expression study of a single patient cohort with first-episode schizophrenia (n=20). Each will have MRI brain scan before and 3 weeks after treatment to assess brain morphology, with blood samples drawn at weekly intervals for microarray analysis of genetic markers for brain growth. No previous study has examined such early treatment-induced brain changes. This will help to provide a benchmark for assessing effectiveness of drugs in the early treatment of schizophrenia and open new avenues for drug development. PURPOSE : We propose to use MRI brain in a single group of patients with schizophrenia to demonstrate that a robust neurotrophic effect occurs within 3 weeks of treatment as symptoms improve. In addition, we shall perform a microarray analysis to study candidate gene markers which govern brain neurotrophic changes and clinical response. KEY ISSUES & PROBLEMS ADDRESSED : 1. Anti-psychotic drugs markedly reduce symptoms within the first 3 weeks of treatment (Johnstone et al 1978) and 68% of the improvement at 1 year is achieved within the 1st month (Leucht et al 2005). However, the underlying mechanism for this time lag to clinical effect is not understood. 2. In a recent study, our group found that patients with schizophrenia (n=29) who had never previoulsy been exposed to any medication, have smaller regional brain volumes compared to typically developing individuals (n=40) (Chua et al, a, in submission). In another related study, we found that a similar group of schizophrenic patients (n=12) who had received antipsychotic medication for 3 weeks showed early "normalisation" of these above brain volume deficits ie the deficits appeared to reverse especially in the (dopamine-rich) basal ganglia (striatum) of the brain. Therefore the issue is whether this represents an early neurotrophic effect which corresponds to clinical response. 3. Therefore this pilot study addresses the feasibility of recruiting a single cohort (n=12) of patients who will (i) undergo MRI brain scan at weeks 0 and 3 and (ii) have perpheral whole blood-taking at weekly intervals for gene expression pattern changes during early 3 weeks of treatment. The purpose of this is (iii) to identify genes which may be involved in early symptom response and be involved in control of early brain volume changes. In other words, this project addresses the core question of whether treatment effectiveness might depend on neural circuity "re-wiring" (Konradi & Heckers 2001).


List of Research Outputs


Cheung V., Chua S.E., McAlonan G.M., Chen E.Y.H. and Khong P.L., Connectivity along white mater tracts in drug-naive patients of first-episode psychosis: a diffusion tensor tractography study, Hong Kong Society of Biological Psychiatry Conference 2006. Hong Kong Academy of Medicine.


Chua S.E., Cheung C., Cheung V., Tsang J.T.K., Chen E.Y.H., Wong J.C.H., Cheung J.P.Y., Yip L., Tai K.S., Suckling J. and McAlonan G.M., Cerebral grey, white matter & CSF in never-medicated, first-episode Schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Research. 2006, 89: 12-21.


Chung K.K. and Chua S.E., Acute Urinary Retention Associated With Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors and Ziprasidone, Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology. 2007, 27(5): 1-2.


Deng Y., Cheung V., Cheung C., Chen E.Y.H., Tsang J.T.K., Wong J.C.H., Yip L., Tai K.S., Suckling J., Bullmore E., McAlonan G.M. and Chua S.E., Early cerebral grey matter excess in basal ganglia after early treatment in first-onset, never-medicated schisophrenia, 13th Annual Meeting Human Brain Mapping. Chicago, USA, 2007.


Deng Y., Cheung V., Cheung C., Chen E.Y.H., Tsang J.T.K., Wong J.C.H., Yip L., Tai K.S., Suckling J., Bullmore E., McAlonan G.M. and Chua S.E., Early cerebral grey matter excess in basal ganglia after early treatment in first-onset, never-medicated schizophrenia, 2nd International Congress of Biological Psychiatry 2007. Santiago, Chile.


Lee A.M., Wong J.G.W.S., McAlonan G.M., Cheung V., Cheung C., Sham P.C., Chu C.M., Wong P.C., Tsang K.W.T. and Chua S.E., Stress and psychological distress among SARS survivors 1 year after the outbreak, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry-Revue Canadienne De Psychiatrie. 2007, 52(4): 233-240.


McAlonan G.M., Lee A.M., Cheung V., Cheung C., Tsang K.W.T., Sham P.C., Chua S.E. and Wong J.G.W.S., Immediate and sustained psychological impact of an emerging infectious disease outbreak on health care workers, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry-Revue Canadienne De Psychiatrie. 2007, 52(4): 241-247.


McAlonan G.M., Cheung V., Cheung C., Chua S.E., Murphy D.G.M., Suckling J., Tai K.S., Yip L.K.C., Leung P. and Ho T.P., Mapping brain structure in attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder: A voxel-based MRI study of regional grey and white matter volume, Psychiatry Research Neuroimaging. Elsevier, 2006, 154: 171-180.


Toulopoulou T., Chua S.E., Lam I., Cheung V., Murray R.M. and David A.S., Evidence of normal hearing laterality in familial schizophrenic patients and their relatives, American Journal of Medical Genetics. 2007.


Wong K.W.T., Fung P.C.W., McAlonan G.M. and Chua S.E., An ERP study of the spatiotemporal processing of facial expressions in children with autism, The 4th Congress of Federation of Asian-Oceanian Neuroscience Societies. Hong Kong, 2006.


Wong K.W.T., Fung P.C.W., McAlonan G.M. and Chua S.E., Event-related potentials to emotional facial expressions in children with autism, Psychophysiology. 2006, 43: S109.


Wong K.W.T., Fung P.C.W., McAlonan G.M. and Chua S.E., Multiple Dipole Source Analysis of Event-related Potentials to Emotional Facial Expressions, Biomedical Engineering Conference 2006. Hong Kong.


Wong T.D.W., Fung P.C.W., McAlonan G.M. and Chua S.E., Multiple dipole source analysis of event-related potentials to facial expression processing, Proceedings of Biomedical Engineering. 2006, 144-148.


Researcher : Chung KF

Project Title:

Seizure threshold of unilateral electroconvulsive therapy


Chung KF, Wong SJ



Source(s) of Funding:

Other Funding Scheme

Start Date:




To find out the seizure threshold of electroconvulsive therapy and its predictors in Chinese.


Project Title:

Influence of a psychiatric clerkship on medical students' attitudes toward psychiatry and mental patients


Chung KF



Source(s) of Funding:

Other Funding Scheme

Start Date:




To compare the effect of a standard clerkship with one augmented with a 1-hour stigma-changing programme on students' attitudes toward mental illness.


Project Title:

Response to moderately suprathreshold unilateral (UL) electroconvulsive therapy (ECT): an examination of possible predictors


Chung KF, Irwin MG



Source(s) of Funding:

Other Funding Scheme

Start Date:




To examine factors that associate with response to moderately suprathereshold unilateral ECT.


List of Research Outputs


Cheuk D.K.L., Yeung W.F., Chung K.F. and Wong V., Acupuncture for insomnia, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2007. 2007, Issue 3.


Chung K.F., Tso K.C., Cheung E.P. and Wong M.M.C., Validation of the Chinese version of the Mood Disorder Questionnaire for the screening of bipolar disorder, 7th International Conference on Bipolar Disorder. Pittsburgh, USA, 2007.


Yeung W.F., Chung K.F., Zhang S.P. and Yap T.G., A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial of Acupuncture for Primary Insomnia – Preliminary Data, SLEEP 2007 21st Annual Meeting. USA, Associated Professional Sleep Society, 2007.


Yeung W.F., Chung K.F., Zhang S.P., Yap T.G. and Chan Y.P., A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial of Acupuncture for Primary Insomnia, 2007 Hong Kong – Macau Postgraduate Symposium on Chinese Medicine. Hong Kong, Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association, 2007.


Yeung W.F. and Chung K.F., A Systematic Review of Acupuncture on Insomnia, 2006 Hong Kong – Macau Postgraduate Symposium on Chinese Medicine. Hong Kong, Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association, 2006, 158-159.


Yeung W.F. and Chung K.F., Acupuncture Treatment for Primary Insomnia: A systematic Review and Preliminary Local Data, 2006 World Congress on Chinese Medicine: Charting the Course of Development. Hong Kong, School of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2006, 89.


Yeung W.F. and Chung K.F., Acupuncture Treatment for Primary Insomnia: a Systematic Review and Preliminary Local Data, 11th Research Postgraduate Symposium. Hong Kong, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, 2006, 326.


Yeung W.F., Chung K.F. and Chan T.C.Y., Sleep-wake habits, excessive daytime sleepiness and academic performance among medical students in Hong Kong, Biological Rhythm Research. 2007.


Researcher : Deng Y

List of Research Outputs


Deng Y., Cheung V., Cheung C., Chen E.Y.H., Tsang J.T.K., Wong J.C.H., Yip L., Tai K.S., Suckling J., Bullmore E., McAlonan G.M. and Chua S.E., Early cerebral grey matter excess in basal ganglia after early treatment in first-onset, never-medicated schisophrenia, 13th Annual Meeting Human Brain Mapping. Chicago, USA, 2007.


Deng Y., Cheung V., Cheung C., Chen E.Y.H., Tsang J.T.K., Wong J.C.H., Yip L., Tai K.S., Suckling J., Bullmore E., McAlonan G.M. and Chua S.E., Early cerebral grey matter excess in basal ganglia after early treatment in first-onset, never-medicated schizophrenia, 2nd International Congress of Biological Psychiatry 2007. Santiago, Chile.


Researcher : Fung ASM

List of Research Outputs


Lee P.W.H., Mak-Lieh F., Mak K.Y., Fung A.S.M., Wong M.M.C. and Lam J., Retrospective Analysis (RA)/Invited Centers: Hong Kong, In: Kim Hopper, Glynn Harrison, Aleksandar Janca, Norman Sartorius , Recovery From Schizophrenia An International Perspective A Report from the Who Collaborative Project, The International Study of Schizophrenia. New York, Oxford University Press, 2007, 255-265.


Researcher : Fung PCW

Project Title:

Development of a novel natural antioxidant with strong anti-aging and protective properties for skin


Fung PCW, Shen J



Source(s) of Funding:

Seed Funding Programme for Applied Research

Start Date:




To develop a novel antioxidants from herbal products which can scavenge superoxide, hydroxyl and lipid peroxide free radicals in skin.


Project Title:

Roles of plasma membrane cholesterol homeostasis in regulating neuronal oxidative damage of ischemic stroke


Fung PCW, Shen J



Source(s) of Funding:

Small Project Funding

Start Date:




To understand the roles of plasma membrane cholesterol homeostasis in protecting neuronal cells from oxidative damage during ischemic stroke.


Project Title:

High level brain activity studies and applications


Fung PCW



Source(s) of Funding:

NSFC/RGC Joint Research Scheme

Start Date:




To better understand and utilize the functioning of the brain.


List of Research Outputs


Wong K.W.T., Fung P.C.W., McAlonan G.M. and Chua S.E., An ERP study of the spatiotemporal processing of facial expressions in children with autism, The 4th Congress of Federation of Asian-Oceanian Neuroscience Societies. Hong Kong, 2006.


Wong K.W.T., Fung P.C.W., McAlonan G.M. and Chua S.E., Event-related potentials to emotional facial expressions in children with autism, Psychophysiology. 2006, 43: S109.


Wong K.W.T., Fung P.C.W., McAlonan G.M. and Chua S.E., Multiple Dipole Source Analysis of Event-related Potentials to Emotional Facial Expressions, Biomedical Engineering Conference 2006. Hong Kong.


Wong T.D.W., Fung P.C.W., McAlonan G.M. and Chua S.E., Multiple dipole source analysis of event-related potentials to facial expression processing, Proceedings of Biomedical Engineering. 2006, 144-148.


Researcher : Helmeste DM

List of Research Outputs


Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Qiu G., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment diminishes inhibition of masculine sexual behavior caused by corticosterone, Thd 4th Congress of Federation of Asian-Oceanian Neuroscience Societies, November 30 - December 2, 2006, Hong Kong. 2006, 120 No. P-C22.


Qiu G., Helmeste D.M., Samaranayake N.A., Lau W.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Modulation by paroxetine of suppressive effect of corticosterone on adult hippocampal cell proliferation, Neuroscience Bulletin. 2007, 23: 131-136.


Researcher : Ho TP

List of Research Outputs


McAlonan G.M., Cheung V., Cheung C., Chua S.E., Murphy D.G.M., Suckling J., Tai K.S., Yip L.K.C., Leung P. and Ho T.P., Mapping brain structure in attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder: A voxel-based MRI study of regional grey and white matter volume, Psychiatry Research Neuroimaging. Elsevier, 2006, 154: 171-180.


Researcher : Hui CLM

List of Research Outputs


Hui C.L.M. and Chen E.Y.H., Relapse and medication adherence in first-episode psychosis, Journal of the Medical Society of Toho University. 2007, 54 (3): 208 (48).


Researcher : Hui LMC

List of Research Outputs


Chen E.Y.H., Hui L.M.C., Chiu C.P.Y. and Law C.W., Cognitive correlates of semantic language disorder in first-episode schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Bulletin. 2007, 33: 214.


Hui L.M.C., Chen E.Y.H. and Law C.W., Cognitive correlates of the Hayling sentence completion test in first-episode schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Bulletin. 2007, 33: 525.


Researcher : Khong PL

Project Title:

To establish the use of magnetic resonance imaging for assessing the degree of brain damage following hypoxic ischemic insult with or without neuroprotective therapies


Khong PL, Cheung PT


Diagnostic Radiology

Source(s) of Funding:

Other Funding Scheme

Start Date:




To evaluate the neuroprotective effects of one purified component of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), caspase inhibitor (CI) and cyclosporin A (CA), in combination or alone.


Project Title:

Whole body magnetic resonance (MR) screening in primary plasmacytomas


Khong PL


Diagnostic Radiology

Source(s) of Funding:

Small Project Funding

Start Date:




To evaluate the clinical utility of whole body MR screening to detect occult lesions in the diagnostic work-up of cases with primary plasmacytomas, including primary solitary bone and extramedullary plasmacytomas.


Project Title:

Mapping dose distribution on the Fractional Anisotropy Map: Applications in the assessment of treatment-induced white matter injury


Khong PL, Kwong DLW, Chan GCF


Diagnostic Radiology

Source(s) of Funding:

Small Project Funding

Start Date:




Treatment-induced neurotoxicity is prevalant and impacts significantly on the lives of childhood brain tumour survivors (Mulhern et al., 2004). Whole brain radiotherapy is considered to be the major contributory factor that causes these deficits (Johnson et al., 1994; Mulhern et al., 1998; Silber et al., 1992). It has been shown that white matter is predisposed to radiation-induced injury and that it may be the substrate of neurocognitive deterioration. There is emerging evidence that diffusion tensor MR imaging (DTI), using fractional anisotropy (FA), is sensitive in detecting and monitoring white matter injury in these patients. (Khong et al., 2005b; Khong et al., 2003; Khong et al., 2005a; Leung et al., 2004b). We aim to explore and describe an optimal method to map whole brain radiation dose distribution to the FA images of childhood brain tumour survivors.


Project Title:

Whole body MR imaging of bone marrow in children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL): evaluation of its role in diagnosis, treatment monitoring and response prediction.


Khong PL, Chan GCF, Kwong DLW


Diagnostic Radiology

Source(s) of Funding:

Small Project Funding

Start Date:




We aim to determine the role of whole body MRI, a relatively new technique in MRI, in the evaluation of the bone marrow in children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL). MRI is the most sensitive technique for the detection of bone marrow pathologies and has become the method of choice for bone marrow imaging. However, prior to the advent of whole body MRI, imaging the marrow has been restricted to selected areas of the bony skeleton because of long imaging times. Recent advances in MRI, particularly the development of fast imaging sequences have significantly reduced imaging times so that the whole body can now be imaged in 15-30 mins without compromising image quality. These advances have led to novel clinical applications of whole body MRI, including tumour staging. To date, there are no reports which have evaluated the role of this new technique in ALL. ALL is the most common tumour in children accounting for about 30% of all newly diagnosed childhood cancer patients. In Hong Kong, there are approximately 40-50 new ALL patients per year. Whole body MRI provides a means for screening the marrow of the entire skeleton, such that the full extent of disease and treatment complications can be evaluated. This is especially important in haematologic disorders which may be spatially heterogeneous like ALL. In a longitudinal study of children diagnosed with ALL, we aim to determine:1)Whole body MRI patterns at diagnosis and subsequent treatment2)If disease load/extent quantified by whole body MRI will contribute to patient management for treatment monitoring and response prediction3)The role of whole body MRI in the screening of early AVN (secondary aim)We hypothesize that this non-invasive technique will provide complementary information to conventional ways of diagnosis and monitoring treatment response i.e. peripheral blood sampling and bone marrow aspiration.We expect to be able to define the clinical usefulness of whole body MRI in leukemia patients. This method of imaging is increasingly available in MRI scanners and especially advantageous in paediatric patients whereby a non-invasive, fast, one-stop imaging modality is desirable


Project Title:

Diffusion tensor MRI imaging (DTI) of radiation-induced white matter injury in a rat model


Khong PL, Wu EX, Cheung PT, Kwong DLW


Diagnostic Radiology

Source(s) of Funding:

Competitive Earmarked Research Grants (CERG)

Start Date:




To test the following hypotheses: (1) diffusion anisotropy quantitative index, fractional anisotropy (FA) is more sensitive than T2 relaxometry in detecting radiation-induced white matter damage; FA and the diffusion tensor matrix components, radial diffusivity and axial diffusivity, correlate with histological findings of radiation-induced injury, namely demyelination; changes in diffusion anisotropy are dose and time dependent and occur in parallel with histological evidence of demyelination; DTI can accurately detect and monitor the degree of demyelination in-vivo and can be used as a biomarker for the non-invasive evaluation of radiation-induced brain injury.


Researcher : Ko SN

List of Research Outputs


Cheng Y.W., Ng M.L., Ko S.N. and Chen R.Y.L., Physical activity and erectile dysfunction: meta-analysis of population-base studies, International Journal of Impotence Research. 2006.


Cheng Y.W., Ng M.L., Chen R.Y.L. and Ko S.N., Prevalence of erectile dysfunction in Asian populations: a meta-analysis, International Journal of Impotence Research. 2006.


Researcher : Kwan SH

List of Research Outputs


Sham P.C., Ao S.I., Kwan S.H., Kao P., Cheung F., Fong P.Y. and Ng M.K., Combining functional and linkage disequilibrium information in the selection of tag SNPs, Bioinformatics. 2007, 23(1): 129-131.


Researcher : Lau WM

List of Research Outputs


Lau W.M., Qiu G., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Corticosteroid decreases subventricular zone cell proliferation, which could be reversed by paroxetine , Restorative neurology and neuroscience . 2007, 25(1): 17-23.


Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Differential effect of chronic corticosterone and antidepressant treatment on amygdale cell proliferation and depression-like behavior , The Hong Kong Society for Biological Psychiatry 2007. 2007.


Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Effect of corticosteroid and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor on amygdala neurogenesis and depressive behavior , The University of Hong Kong Research postgraduate symposium 2007. 2007.


Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Effects of corticosteroid and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor on masculine copulatory behavior, and c-fos expression in extended amygdala and preoptic areas, Neuroscience 2007. San Diego, US, Session 842.1.


Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Qiu G., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Inhibition Of Masculine Sexual Behavior Induced By Corticosterone , Hong Kong Society of Biological Psychiatry Conference 2006. 2006.


Lau W.M., Qiu G., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Reversal of corticosterone-induced subventricular zone cell proliferation decrease by paroxetine, Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience. 2007, 25: 17-23.


Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Qiu G., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment diminishes inhibition of masculine sexual behavior , The 4th Congress of FAONS. 2006.


Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Qiu G., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment diminishes inhibition of masculine sexual behavior caused by corticosterone, Thd 4th Congress of Federation of Asian-Oceanian Neuroscience Societies, November 30 - December 2, 2006, Hong Kong. 2006, 120 No. P-C22.


Qiu G., Helmeste D.M., Samaranayake N.A., Lau W.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Modulation by paroxetine of suppressive effect of corticosterone on adult hippocampal cell proliferation, The 4th Congress of Federation of Asian-Oceanian Neuroscience Societies, November 30 - December 2, 2006, Hong Kong. 2006, 84 No. P-B05.


Yau S.K., Lau W.M., Tang S.W., Lee T.M.C. and So K.F., Protective effect of exercise on corticosterone suppressed hippocampal cell proliferation, Postgraduate seminar 2006, Department of Anatomy, HKU. 2006.


Yau S.Y., Lau W.M., Tang S.W., Lee T.M.C. and So K.F., Counteractive effect of voluntary exercise on depression-like behavior of corticoseterone treated rats. , The University of Hong Kong Research postgraduate Symposium. 2007.


Yau S.Y., Lau W.M., Tang S.W., Lee T.M.C. and So K.F., Effect of Different Doses of Corticosterone on Hippocampal Cell Proliferation, The Hong Kong Society for Biological Psychiatry . 2007.


Yau S.Y., Lau W.M., Tang S.W., Lee T.M.C. and So K.F., Effect of voluntary exercise on corticosterone suppressed hippocampal cell proliferation and impaired spatial memory, Postgraduate Seminar 2007, Department of Anatomy, HKU. 2007.


Researcher : Lau WM

List of Research Outputs


Lau W.M., Qiu G., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Corticosteroid decreases subventricular zone cell proliferation, which could be reversed by paroxetine , Restorative neurology and neuroscience . 2007, 25(1): 17-23.


Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Differential effect of chronic corticosterone and antidepressant treatment on amygdale cell proliferation and depression-like behavior , The Hong Kong Society for Biological Psychiatry 2007. 2007.


Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Effect of corticosteroid and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor on amygdala neurogenesis and depressive behavior , The University of Hong Kong Research postgraduate symposium 2007. 2007.


Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Effects of corticosteroid and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor on masculine copulatory behavior, and c-fos expression in extended amygdala and preoptic areas, Neuroscience 2007. San Diego, US, Session 842.1.


Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Qiu G., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Inhibition Of Masculine Sexual Behavior Induced By Corticosterone , Hong Kong Society of Biological Psychiatry Conference 2006. 2006.


Lau W.M., Qiu G., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Reversal of corticosterone-induced subventricular zone cell proliferation decrease by paroxetine, Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience. 2007, 25: 17-23.


Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Qiu G., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment diminishes inhibition of masculine sexual behavior , The 4th Congress of FAONS. 2006.


Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Qiu G., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment diminishes inhibition of masculine sexual behavior caused by corticosterone, Thd 4th Congress of Federation of Asian-Oceanian Neuroscience Societies, November 30 - December 2, 2006, Hong Kong. 2006, 120 No. P-C22.


Qiu G., Helmeste D.M., Samaranayake N.A., Lau W.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Modulation by paroxetine of suppressive effect of corticosterone on adult hippocampal cell proliferation, The 4th Congress of Federation of Asian-Oceanian Neuroscience Societies, November 30 - December 2, 2006, Hong Kong. 2006, 84 No. P-B05.


Yau S.K., Lau W.M., Tang S.W., Lee T.M.C. and So K.F., Protective effect of exercise on corticosterone suppressed hippocampal cell proliferation, Postgraduate seminar 2006, Department of Anatomy, HKU. 2006.


Yau S.Y., Lau W.M., Tang S.W., Lee T.M.C. and So K.F., Counteractive effect of voluntary exercise on depression-like behavior of corticoseterone treated rats. , The University of Hong Kong Research postgraduate Symposium. 2007.


Yau S.Y., Lau W.M., Tang S.W., Lee T.M.C. and So K.F., Effect of Different Doses of Corticosterone on Hippocampal Cell Proliferation, The Hong Kong Society for Biological Psychiatry . 2007.


Yau S.Y., Lau W.M., Tang S.W., Lee T.M.C. and So K.F., Effect of voluntary exercise on corticosterone suppressed hippocampal cell proliferation and impaired spatial memory, Postgraduate Seminar 2007, Department of Anatomy, HKU. 2007.


Researcher : Law ACK

List of Research Outputs


Law A.C.K., Can we say "NO" to Alzheimer's Disease? Is nitric oxide one of the keys to the answer?, Department of Anatomy, HKU. 2007.


Researcher : Law CW

List of Research Outputs


Chan R.C.K., Chen E.Y.H. and Law C.W., Specific executive dysfunction in patients with first-episode medicatino-naive schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Research. 2006, 82: 51-64.


Chen E.Y.H., Hui L.M.C., Chiu C.P.Y. and Law C.W., Cognitive correlates of semantic language disorder in first-episode schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Bulletin. 2007, 33: 214.


Hui L.M.C., Chen E.Y.H. and Law C.W., Cognitive correlates of the Hayling sentence completion test in first-episode schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Bulletin. 2007, 33: 525.


Researcher : Lee AM

Project Title:

Psychosocial Group Therapy for Menopausal Women: A model for the non-pharmacological management of menopausal distress


Lee AM



Source(s) of Funding:

Centre on Behavioral Health Seed Funding Scheme - General Award

Start Date:




The study aims at developing and evaluating the efficacy of a psychosocial group therapy approach to the management of menopausal problems among Hong Kong women.


Project Title:

The efficacy of group psychosocial intervention on psychological distress, quality of life, and post-traumatic growth among patients with gynaecological cancers: a randomized controlled trial


Lee AM, Ngan HYS, Chan YM, Tam KF, Lee PWH



Source(s) of Funding:

Small Project Funding

Start Date:




To systematically test the efficacy of group psychosocial intervention in reducing psychological distress, and improving quality of life and adjustment among patients with gynaecological cancers; to examine the usefulness of group psychosocial intervention in bringing about post-traumatic growth among patients with gynaecological cancers; to examine the course of changes in psychological distress, quality of life, and post-traumatic growth over time; to examine the ability of psychological distress in predicting quality of life, adjustment, and post-traumatic growth at post-intervention and three-month follow-up; to identify therapeutic elements of the group psychosocial intervention programme.


Project Title:

A prospective longitudinal study of high-risk behaviors among adolescents in Hong Kong: the effects of modernization and culture


Lee AM, Stewart SM, Lam TH, Lee PWH



Source(s) of Funding:

Competitive Earmarked Research Grants (CERG)

Start Date:




Obtain baseline information on the rates, forms, and patterns of high-risk behaviors among adolescents in Hong Kong; to empirically test the hypothesis that high-risk behaviors (such as smoking, substance abuse, and early sex) represent a single core construct versus the competing hypothesis that they represent multiple constructs or even distinct and isolated behavioral entities; to identify a set of risk and protective factors that may predispose (or protect) adolescents to (from) high-risk behaviors. These risk factors include individual factors as well as measurable vulnerabilities associated with modernization; to understand the developmental trajectories and causative influences of risk factors identified; to examine the longer term consequences (adverse end-points) of high-risk behaviors in terms of a broad range of mental and physical health problems problems as well as functioning.


Project Title:

An exploratory study of the male climacteric and its relationship with psychological factors


Lee AM, Leung SSK, Chen RYL



Source(s) of Funding:

Small Project Funding

Start Date:




The document the level of ADAM among middle- and old-aged males between the ages of 40 and 80 in Hong Kong; to examine the multidimensional nature of male climacteric problems and its relation to androgen deficiency; to identify the psychological risk factors of male climacteric problems and ADAM; to compare the relative contribution of psychological factors and androgen deficiency to male climacteric problems; to examine the impact of climacteric problems and ADAM on quality of life among males.


Project Title:

A randomized contolled trial of the efficacy of a model of psychosocial intervention in improving quality of life and psychological well-being of Chinese patients with colorectal cancer


Lee AM, Chan CLW, Ho JWC



Source(s) of Funding:

Health and Health Services Research Fund - Full Grants

Start Date:




The study uses a prospective randomized controlled trial design to systematically assess the efficacy of an Eastern Body-Mind-Spirit (BMS) approach in improving the quality of life and psychological well-being among a sample of colorectal cancer patients in Hong Kong. Its specific objectives are as follows: (i) To examine the efficacy of BMS intervention in improving quality of life and psychological well-being outcomes among CRC patients against a control group that receives no active psychosocial intervention; (ii) To monitor the effectiveness of BMS intervention over time;


Project Title:

Translation of the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scales 21- item version (DASS-21) into Chinese and Validation of the Chinese DASS-21 among Clinical and Non-Clinical Samples in Hong Kong


Lee AM, Wong JGWS, Lam TP, Tang SW



Source(s) of Funding:

Small Project Funding

Start Date:




PURPOSE OF PROPOSED STUDY:The Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS) (1) has been widely evaluated and shown to be a high quality self-report measure of depression, anxiety, and stress. Its unique capacity to define and distinguish between these three negative emotional states renders it a valuable tool in both research and clinical practice. It is superior to traditional measures of depression, most of which are less pure measures of depression by containing a mixture of depressive and anxiety symptoms; the same being true for traditional measures of anxiety (2,3,4). The DASS-21 is a 21-item short version of the DASS with equally satisfactory psychometric properties (1). It has been translated into a number of different languages, and used among diverse populations (5,6). In Hong Kong, where over 95% of the population are ethnic Chinese, and Chinese is the dominant language of communication, a conceptually equivalent and validated Chinese version the DASS-21 is much needed. The proposed study aims to translate the 21-item version of the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scales (DASS-21) into Chinese and validate it among clinical and non-clinical samples of Hong Kong Chinese. Sepcifically, the proposed study purports to use an established and systematic approach to translate the DASS-21 into Chinese, the product of which will be compared to the original English version by testing on bilingual subjects. Its psychometric properties will then be further examined in both clinical and non-clinical samples with regard to reliability (internal consistency and test-retest reliability), factorial validity, concurrent validity, and convergent and discriminant validity. LITERATURE REVIEW AND KEY ISSUES:The Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS) (1) is a 42-item questionnaire developed to measure the three negative emotional states of depression, anxiety, and stress. It is widely used among Caucasian populations for both clinical and research purposes. The DASS-21 is a short version of the DASS, with three subscales each consisting of 7 items to measure the three negative emotional states. The psychometric properties of both the 42-item original version and the 21-item short version have been examined in non-clinical and clinical samples. Reliability in terms of internal consistency and temporal stability is high across the board. Moreover, convergent and discriminant validity as examined by correlation with other self-report measures of depression and anxiety are consistently satisfactory (2,3,7). The DASS and DASS-21 differ from traditional measures in their proven capacity to distinguish well between anxiety and depressive symptoms, and providing a measure of stress at the same time (2,3,4).Developing suitable instruments for assessing depression and anxiety poses great challenge. This is because although depression and anxiety disorders are conceptualized as distinct clinical entities, there is substantial overlap between the two conditions, and they often co-occur clinically (8). Among non-clinical populations, levels of depression and anxiety also correlate significantly and strongly with each other (9). Existing measures of depression and anxiety fare poorly in distinguishing between these two negative emotional states (3).Clark and Watson (10) developed the tripartite model of anxiety and depression in an attempt to explain the overlap between depression and anxiety. They argued that depression and anxiety have both unique and shared characteristics, with the shared component being elevated negative affect such as irritability and general distress. Based on this model, there are three interrelated negative emotional states, namely, anhedonia, physiological arousal, and general distress. Anhedonia or the absence of positive affect is unique to depression, physiological arousal is unique to anxiety, and general distress is common to both depression and anxiety. Within this theoretical framework, only anhedonia and physiological arousal are specific negative emotional states; general distress represents a non-specific component shared by both depression and anxiety . Lovibond and Lovibond (1,7,11) further identified a third specific and distinct negative emotional state, stress, that is distinct from depression and anxiety on the one hand, and differs from the non-specific symptoms shared by both depression and anxiety (general distress) on the other. This negative emotional state relates to general hyperarousal and is characterized by tension, inability to relax, and overreaction to stressful events.The DASS was conceptually and psychometrically consistent with the tripartite model of anxiety and depression but extends beyond it to include a measure of stress. The Depression scale (DASS-D) measures symptoms unique to depression, and includes items that are associated with dysphoria or an absence of positive affect. The Anxiety scale (DASS-A) measures symptoms unique to anxiety, and includes items that assess symptoms of physiological hyperarousal. Studies clarifying the nature of these symptoms found that symptoms on this scale are particularly characteristic of those experienced by patients with panic disorder (2). The Stress scale (DASS-S) includes items measuring symptoms such as tension, irritability, and tendency to overreact to stressful events. The symptoms on the Stress scale, being characteristic symptoms associated with chronic worry, have been found to be most associated with symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), a particular form of anxiety disorder (2).The 21-item version has the obvious advantage of being shorter and quicker to administer, hence more suitable as a screening instrument for assessing primary care patients and community population. Clara et al (12) have used a predominantly depressed sample and shown, through confirmatory factor analysis, support for a 3-factor model for the DASS-21 which was not improved by the 42-item version. Furthermore, the 21-item DASS provided clearer distinction between the anxiety and depression symptoms compared with the 42-item DASS. These results point to the value of DASS-21 as the instrument of choice over its 42-item counterpart. A Chinese version of DASS-21 was developed and tested on an Australian immigrant sample by Taouk et al (13). Factor loadings were found to be generally comparable to those reported by Lovibond and Lovibond using the English DASS (1,3), but the discrimination between the depression, anxiety and stress scales was significantly poorer. This study represents only a preliminary validation of the Chinese DASS-21, and the value of this translated measure in the Hong Kong population remains questionable, especially since there are subtle differences in the use of the Chinese language by Chinese in different parts of the world. Data from Chinese-speaking Australian immigrants cannot be readily generalizable to Hong Kong Chinese. Indeed, experience by local clinicians found parts of the scale poorly understood by some patients in Hong Kong. Further study is called for to formally translate the DASS-21 into Chinese, to test the psychometric properties of the Chinese version on a clinical sample, and to perform a more thorough evaluation of its psychometric properties among non-clinical samples of Hong Objectives of Study:This study aims to use a systematic and methodical approach to translate the DASS-21 into Chinese, and to validate it on non-clinical and clinical samples of Hong Kong Chinese. Specifically, the proposed study aims to achieve the following two main objectives:(i) To produce a conceptually and linguistically equivalent Chinese translation of the original English DASS- 21.(ii) To evaluate the psychometric properties of the Chinese DASS-21 among non-clinical and clinical populations in Hong Kong in terms of reliability, factorial validity, convergent and discriminant validity, and concurrent validity.


Project Title:

A multidimensional longitudinal study of disordered eating attitudes and behaviours and its risk factors and outcome among pregnant women


Lee AM, Leung KY, Lao TTH, Fong DYT



Source(s) of Funding:

Competitive Earmarked Research Grants (CERG)

Start Date:




Primary objectives: (1) To test the association of pregnancy-related risk factors (ambivalence towards pregnancy, pregnancy abuse, depression, and anxiety) with disordered eating attitudes and behaviours during pregnancy. (2) To test the association of pre-pregnancy related risk factors (pre-pregnant maladaptive eating attitudes and behaviours, and body dissatisfaction) with disordered eating attitudes and behaviours during pregnancy. Secondary objectives: (3) To establish the prevalence of disordered eating attitudes and behaviors among pregnant women in Hong Kong.


List of Research Outputs


Chan C.L.W., Lee A.M., Ho J.W.C. and Tang V.Y.H., Psychosocial Aspects of Hong Kong Stoma Patients, 16th Biennial Congress of the World Council of Enterostomal Therapists. Hong Kong, 2006.


Ho A.H.Y., Lee A.M., Chan C.L.W., Tang V.Y.H., Wang C.N., Leung P.P.Y., Fu Y.T., Yau T.K. and Ho J.W.C., Posttraumatic Growth though Meaning Reconstruction: The Effectiveness of the Body-Mind-Spirit Intervention Model on Improving the Quality of Life and Psychological Well-being of Chinese patients with Colorectal Cancer – A preliminary Report, 13th Hong Kong International Cancer Congress. Hong Kong SAR, China, 2006.


Ho A.H.Y., Lee A.M. and Chan C.L.W., Posttraumatic Growth Through Meaning Reconstructions: The Effectiveness of the Body-Mind-Spirit Intervention Model on Improving the Quality of Life and Psychosocial Wellbeing of Chinese Patients with Colorectal Cancer: A Preliminary Report, 13th Hong Kong International Cancer Congress and 3rd Annual Meeting Centre for Cancer Research. 2006.


Lee A.M., Adjusting to Motherhood, Family Planning Association Education Website (Jan 2007 issue) . 2007.


Lee A.M., Menopausal Symptoms and Needs of Asian Women: Insights from the Asian Menopause Survey, Symposium of the Hong Kong Society of Physicians. Hong Kong, 2007.


Lee A.M., Premenstrual Symptoms, Oriental Daily . 2006, A8.


Lee A.M., Pressure Brings Menstruation-Related Disorders, Metro Daily (August 18, 2006. Chinese version: page 28, English version: page 43). 2006, 43.


Lee A.M., Reviewer for Hong Kong Medical Journal. 2007.


Lee A.M., Wong J.G.W.S., McAlonan G.M., Cheung V., Cheung C., Sham P.C., Chu C.M., Wong P.C., Tsang K.W.T. and Chua S.E., Stress and psychological distress among SARS survivors 1 year after the outbreak, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry-Revue Canadienne De Psychiatrie. 2007, 52(4): 233-240.


Leung K.Y., Ngai C.S.W., Lee A.M., Chan H.Y., Leung W.C., Lee C.P. and Tang M.H.Y., The effects on maternal anxiety of two-dimensional versus two-plus three-four-dimensional ultrasound pregnancies at risk of fetal abnormalities: A randomized study, Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2006, 28: 249-254.


McAlonan G.M., Lee A.M., Cheung V., Cheung C., Tsang K.W.T., Sham P.C., Chua S.E. and Wong J.G.W.S., Immediate and sustained psychological impact of an emerging infectious disease outbreak on health care workers, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry-Revue Canadienne De Psychiatrie. 2007, 52(4): 241-247.


Tang Y.H., Lee A.M., Chan C.L.W., Leung P.P.Y., Sham J.S.T., Ho J.W.C. and Cheng J.Y.Y., Disorientation and reconstruction: The meaning searching pathways of patients with colorectal cancer, Journal of Psychosocial Oncology. 2007, 25: 77-102.


Researcher : Lee PWH

Project Title:

A study of risk factors for exposure to AIDS in high risk adolescent Chinese females





Source(s) of Funding:

Council for the AIDS Trust Fund - General Award

Start Date:




To study the prevailing pattern of knowledge, practice and attitudes towards sexual intimacy and behaviours in teenage secondary school female students; to study common misconceptions and risks of teenage secondary school students towards developing STDs and AIDs; to study factors associated with increased risk for exposure to STDs and AIDs.


Project Title:

Psychological adjustment and stresses of nurses working in acute hospital





Source(s) of Funding:

Other Funding Scheme

Start Date:




To study the prevalence of psychological malaise in a representative group of registered nurses working in acute general hospital; to identify factors associated with increases stress and strain in registered nurses in acute general hospital.


Project Title:

The psychosocial outcomes and well-being of living related donors involved in liver transplantation surgery: a follow-up study of risk factors, resilience, and outcome predictors


Lee PWH, Fan ST, Fung ASM



Source(s) of Funding:

Small Project Funding

Start Date:




To trace the natue and course of psycholsocial adjustment of living related donors through a retrospective study on their adjustment in the pre-transplanation, post-transplantation and rehabilitation phases; to identify areas of concerns, difficulties, physical malaise, and psychosocial distress in donors during the different phases of the transplantation procedure and its rehabilitation; to study the relationship between pre-transplantation variables of the living related donors and their levels of post-transplantation functioning and adjustment; to identify predictors of high-risk characteristics and situations likely to be encountered by living related donors and consider ways of reducing such risks; on the basis of data gathered and analyzed, to consider cost-effective avenues, format and focus of psychosocial interventions to enable potential living related donors to achieve an all round better immediate and long-term outcome; to look into the differences in decision making processes and adjustment of living related donors with different relationship with the recipients.


List of Research Outputs


Chan C.L.W., Ho T.H., Lee P.W.H., Cheng J.Y.Y., Leung P.P.Y., Foo W., Chow L.W.H., Sham J.S.T. and Spiegel D., A Randomized Controlled Trial of Psychosocial Interventions Using the Psychophysiological Framework for Chinese Breast Cancer Patients, In: James R Zabora, Journal of Psychosocial Oncology. The Haworth Medical Press, 2006, 24(1): 3-26.


Lau K.S., Siong K.H., Cheung P.W., Tang H.Y., Cheung K.S., Chan S.W., Lee P.W.H. and Wong J.G.W.S., An innovative web-based student support service: a student-initiated peer support network, Cotone Congressi (14-18 September 2006). Genoa, Italy, Association for Medical Education in Europe, 2006, 91 6D 3.


Lee P.W.H., Kwan T.T., Kwong D.L., Sham J.S., Pow E.H.N., McMillan A.S. and Au G.K., A prospective study of the impact of nasopharyngeal cancer and radiotherapy on the psychosocial condition of Chinese patients., Cancer. 2007, 109: 1344-54.


Lee P.W.H., Psychological Challenges in Diabetes (Abstract in Fourth International Huaxia Congress of Endocrinology), Hong Kong Medical Journal. 2006, vol. 12 no. 6 supplement 4: 40.


Lee P.W.H., Psychological Trauma to the Victims and the Response Team in a Disaster (Abstract), International Symposium on Disaster Medical Response. The Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2006, 18.


Lee P.W.H., Psychological trauma to the victims and the response team ni a disaster, The Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgery: International symposium on disaster medical response. 2006.


Lee P.W.H., Mak-Lieh F., Mak K.Y., Fung A.S.M., Wong M.M.C. and Lam J., Retrospective Analysis (RA)/Invited Centers: Hong Kong, In: Kim Hopper, Glynn Harrison, Aleksandar Janca, Norman Sartorius , Recovery From Schizophrenia An International Perspective A Report from the Who Collaborative Project, The International Study of Schizophrenia. New York, Oxford University Press, 2007, 255-265.


Lee P.W.H., Targetting knowledge, attitudes and behaviours in Chinese women: the case for prevention of cervical cancer, Biennial General Meeting of the Hong Kong Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology. 2006.


Lee P.W.H., The Slimming Movement: Implications for Clinical Understanding and Interventions, Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology. 2006, Vol 14 (Suppl 2): B20-B25.


Lee P.W.H., The slimming movement, Hong Kong College of Cardiology: 1st Asian Preventive Cardiology & Cardiac Rehabilitation Conference. 2006.


Lee W., Ho D.S.Y., Stewart S.M., Leung G.M., Lee S., Mak K.H., Lee P.W.H., Wong J.P.S. and Lam T.H., Eating disorders and smoking among Hong Kong adolescents (abstract and poster presentation), 5th Annual Conference of the International Society for the Prevention of Tobacco Induced Disease, 24-26 November 2006, Hong Kong. Hong Kong, Int'l Society for the Prevention of Tobacco Induced Disease, 2006, 55.


Lee W., Lam T.H., Stewart S.M., Ho D.S.Y., Leung G.M., Lee S., Mak K.H., Lee P.W.H., Wong J.P.S. and Striegel-Moore R.H., Preliminary findings from "A population-based, longitudinal study of eating disturbances in Hong Kong Chinese boys and girls" (abstract), 11th Research Postgraduate Symposium, 7 December 2006, LKS Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong, LKS Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, 2006, 163.


Mak G.K.L., Li F.W.S. and Lee P.W.H., A pilot study on psychological interventions with Chinese young adults with schizophrenia, In: Linda Lam Eric Chen, The Hong Kong Journal of Psychiatry. Hong Kong, 2007, 17: 17-23.


Zhang J.X., Woo J., Lau W.C.S., Lee P.W.H., Chiu P.K.Y. and Lam D., Effects of use of alternative therapies on quality of life and healthcare spending, The American Journal of Chinese Medicine. 2007, 35: 183-193.


Researcher : Lee TMC

Project Title:

Memory deficits following unilateral frontal or temporal brain lesion


Lee TMC, Fan YW



Source(s) of Funding:

Health Services Research Fund - Full Grants

Start Date:




To develop an instrument for assessment of confabulation in prose memory.


Project Title:

Deception and its detection: brain activities associated with faking memory problems


Lee TMC, Broadhurst RG, Yang ES



Source(s) of Funding:

Competitive Earmarked Research Grants (CERG)

Start Date:




The project attempts to investigate the potential application of brain activities to understand the phenomenon of deception and its detection. It will examine the generalizability of forced-choice testing situations, and also different brain activities associated with making genuine errors and feigning memory impairment.


Project Title:

The effect of emotional attachment on the brain activities associated with deception: an functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study





Source(s) of Funding:

Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research

Start Date:


Completion Date:




The study is intended to investigate the role of emotional attachment on the brain activity patterns that are associated with deception.


Project Title:

Selective attention biases of people with major depressive disorder, and its relationship with brain damages.


Lee TMC, Leung KK



Source(s) of Funding:

Small Project Funding

Start Date:




Attention bias towards mood-congruent information has been postulated to be one of the essential psychological substrates of major depressive disorder. Attention biases could have at least two levels of meanings: a) initial orienting, i.e. attention being captured involuntarily to certain types of information; and b) difficulties in inhibiting or shifting the attention from the current attentional focus once certain types of information has been attended to, either voluntarily or involuntarily. However, research findings are inconsistent in demonstrating these phenomena in people with major depressive disorder. This study aims to investigate whether people with major depressive disorder exhibit these two types of attention biases. In addition, it has been postulated that major depressive disorder is associated with frontal-limbic dysregulation. In particular, various studies suggest that amygdala, prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, and hippocampus are involved in depression. This study also attempts to investigate whether people with brain lesions arising from stroke or brain trauma at the above areas also exhibit the attention biases to depression-related information. It also follows that question of whether those who show these attention biases due to brain lesions also exhibit depressive features will also be examined.


Project Title:

Brain processes underlying deception





Source(s) of Funding:

Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research

Start Date:




The purpose of this study is to understand the neuroscientific mechanisms and the pattern of brain activities associated with the faking of memory impairment. In recent years, we have been working on delineating the cognitive processes and on possible neural markers for feigning memory impairment. Our preliminary findings, together with data obtained by other research teams, have suggested possible markers of deceptive behaviors. Nonetheless, simple experimental tasks were adopted in these functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies to control for the unwanted confound introduced by task difficulty. One serious limitation of the findings is that the observed different brain activities between honest correct answers to tasks of low level of difficulty and feigned errors (which required mental effort) could be due to the difference in cognitive load of the two conditions. It is therefore informative to compare feigned errors with honest responses, correct or not, caused by a more challenging task to learn if feigning behavior could be identified using functional imaging technology. We therefore proposed this study, with increased task difficulty that encourages the occurrence of errors, to study if errors committed when people attempt to respond honestly can be distinguished from intentionally faked responses. The Key Objectives: 1. To identify the pattern of brain activities that best differentiates accurate honest versus intentionally faked responses. We anticipate activation of the prefrontal-cingulate-parietal areas based on the findings of previous studies. 2. To identify the pattern of brain activities that best differentiates (a) genuine errors versus faked response and (b) false memory (a subset of genuine errors) versus intentionally faked responses. We speculate that different brain activities will be observed in the medial temporal regions known for mediating memory, accurate as well as false memory.


List of Research Outputs


Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Qiu G., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment diminishes inhibition of masculine sexual behavior caused by corticosterone, Thd 4th Congress of Federation of Asian-Oceanian Neuroscience Societies, November 30 - December 2, 2006, Hong Kong. 2006, 120 No. P-C22.


Qiu G., Helmeste D.M., Samaranayake N.A., Lau W.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Modulation by paroxetine of suppressive effect of corticosterone on adult hippocampal cell proliferation, The 4th Congress of Federation of Asian-Oceanian Neuroscience Societies, November 30 - December 2, 2006, Hong Kong. 2006, 84 No. P-B05.


Researcher : Li T

List of Research Outputs


Wang Q., Chan R.C.K., Sun J.H., Yao J., Deng W., Sun X.L., Liu X.H., Sham P.C., Ma X.H., Meng H.Q., Murray R.M., Collier D.A. and Li T., Reaction time of the Continuous Performance Test is an endophenotypic marker for schizophrenia: A study of first-episode neuroleptic-naive schizophrenia, their non-psychotic first-degree relatives and healthy population controls, Schizophrenia Research. 2007, 89(1-3): 293-298.


Researcher : Mak KY

Project Title:

Program enhancement for the mental-ill patients at the S.K. Yee Mental Health Resource and Rehabilitation Centre


Mak KY, Wong MMC, Mak-Lieh F, Yau EFY



Source(s) of Funding:

S.K. Yee Medical Foundation - General Award

Start Date:




To facilitate psychiatric patients to return to work and re-integrate into society through widening the present service scope by providing sufficient equipment to meet the increasing demand in work training and offer wider range of therapeutic programs to improve the domestic living skill of patients; to provide professional development and training to psychiatrists and paramedical staff in Hong Kong and China.


List of Research Outputs


Lee P.W.H., Mak-Lieh F., Mak K.Y., Fung A.S.M., Wong M.M.C. and Lam J., Retrospective Analysis (RA)/Invited Centers: Hong Kong, In: Kim Hopper, Glynn Harrison, Aleksandar Janca, Norman Sartorius , Recovery From Schizophrenia An International Perspective A Report from the Who Collaborative Project, The International Study of Schizophrenia. New York, Oxford University Press, 2007, 255-265.


Researcher : Mak-Lieh F

List of Research Outputs


Lee P.W.H., Mak-Lieh F., Mak K.Y., Fung A.S.M., Wong M.M.C. and Lam J., Retrospective Analysis (RA)/Invited Centers: Hong Kong, In: Kim Hopper, Glynn Harrison, Aleksandar Janca, Norman Sartorius , Recovery From Schizophrenia An International Perspective A Report from the Who Collaborative Project, The International Study of Schizophrenia. New York, Oxford University Press, 2007, 255-265.


Tang H.N.A., Wong J.G.W.S., Patil N.G. and Mak-Lieh F., Teaching and learning of medical professionalism - medical students' experience at the University of Hong Kong, Cotone Congressi, Genoa, Italy (14-18 September 2006). Genoa, Italy, Association for Medical Education in Europe, 2006, 9, 2G 4.


Researcher : McAlonan GM

List of Research Outputs


Cheung V., Chua S.E., McAlonan G.M., Chen E.Y.H. and Khong P.L., Connectivity along white mater tracts in drug-naive patients of first-episode psychosis: a diffusion tensor tractography study, Hong Kong Society of Biological Psychiatry Conference 2006. Hong Kong Academy of Medicine.


Chua S.E., Cheung C., Cheung V., Tsang J.T.K., Chen E.Y.H., Wong J.C.H., Cheung J.P.Y., Yip L., Tai K.S., Suckling J. and McAlonan G.M., Cerebral grey, white matter & CSF in never-medicated, first-episode Schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Research. 2006, 89: 12-21.


Deng Y., Cheung V., Cheung C., Chen E.Y.H., Tsang J.T.K., Wong J.C.H., Yip L., Tai K.S., Suckling J., Bullmore E., McAlonan G.M. and Chua S.E., Early cerebral grey matter excess in basal ganglia after early treatment in first-onset, never-medicated schisophrenia, 13th Annual Meeting Human Brain Mapping. Chicago, USA, 2007.


Deng Y., Cheung V., Cheung C., Chen E.Y.H., Tsang J.T.K., Wong J.C.H., Yip L., Tai K.S., Suckling J., Bullmore E., McAlonan G.M. and Chua S.E., Early cerebral grey matter excess in basal ganglia after early treatment in first-onset, never-medicated schizophrenia, 2nd International Congress of Biological Psychiatry 2007. Santiago, Chile.


Lee A.M., Wong J.G.W.S., McAlonan G.M., Cheung V., Cheung C., Sham P.C., Chu C.M., Wong P.C., Tsang K.W.T. and Chua S.E., Stress and psychological distress among SARS survivors 1 year after the outbreak, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry-Revue Canadienne De Psychiatrie. 2007, 52(4): 233-240.


McAlonan G.M., Lee A.M., Cheung V., Cheung C., Tsang K.W.T., Sham P.C., Chua S.E. and Wong J.G.W.S., Immediate and sustained psychological impact of an emerging infectious disease outbreak on health care workers, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry-Revue Canadienne De Psychiatrie. 2007, 52(4): 241-247.


McAlonan G.M., Cheung V., Cheung C., Chua S.E., Murphy D.G.M., Suckling J., Tai K.S., Yip L.K.C., Leung P. and Ho T.P., Mapping brain structure in attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder: A voxel-based MRI study of regional grey and white matter volume, Psychiatry Research Neuroimaging. Elsevier, 2006, 154: 171-180.


Page L.A., Daly E., Schmitz N., Simmons A., Toal F., Deeley Q., Ambery F., McAlonan G.M., Murphy K.C. and Murphy D.G.M., In Vivo 1H-Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study of Amygdala-Hippocampal and Parietal Regions in Autism , American Journal of Psychiatry . 2006, 163: 2189-2192.


Wong K.W.T., Fung P.C.W., McAlonan G.M. and Chua S.E., An ERP study of the spatiotemporal processing of facial expressions in children with autism, The 4th Congress of Federation of Asian-Oceanian Neuroscience Societies. Hong Kong, 2006.


Wong K.W.T., Fung P.C.W., McAlonan G.M. and Chua S.E., Event-related potentials to emotional facial expressions in children with autism, Psychophysiology. 2006, 43: S109.


Wong K.W.T., Fung P.C.W., McAlonan G.M. and Chua S.E., Multiple Dipole Source Analysis of Event-related Potentials to Emotional Facial Expressions, Biomedical Engineering Conference 2006. Hong Kong.


Wong T.D.W., Fung P.C.W., McAlonan G.M. and Chua S.E., Multiple dipole source analysis of event-related potentials to facial expression processing, Proceedings of Biomedical Engineering. 2006, 144-148.


Researcher : Ng ML

Project Title:

Chaos in psychotherapy





Source(s) of Funding:

Department of Psychiatry - General Award

Start Date:




To look for chaos patterns in the communication procedures in psychotherapy using mathematical or physical modelling.


Project Title:

Violence on male genitalia - a ten year review of cases in Hong Kong





Source(s) of Funding:

Other Funding Scheme

Start Date:




To review and investigate into the demographic, psychological and social characteristics of the victims and the offenders involved in cases of violent male genital injury in the last ten years in Hong Kong.


List of Research Outputs


Cheng Y.W. and Ng M.L., Body mass index, physical activity and erectile dysfunction – U-shaped relationship from population-based study, International Journal of Obesity. 2007.


Cheng Y.W., Ng M.L., Ko S.N. and Chen R.Y.L., Physical activity and erectile dysfunction: meta-analysis of population-base studies, International Journal of Impotence Research. 2006.


Cheng Y.W., Ng M.L., Chen R.Y.L. and Ko S.N., Prevalence of erectile dysfunction in Asian populations: a meta-analysis, International Journal of Impotence Research. 2006.


Ng M.L., A meta-analysis on the prevalence of erectile dysfunction in Asian population, 9th Asia-Oceania Conference of Sexology (November 1-4, 2006). Bangkok, Thailand, 2006.


Ng M.L., Alcohol, exercise and erectile dysfunction, a meta-analysis, Second Advanced Forum on Sexual Sciences, organized by China Sexology Association (September 14-16, 2006). Wuhan, China, 2006.


Ng M.L., Human Right Implications of Therapy in Sexual Health, World Health Organization (WHO) Satellite Symposium on 'Sexology and HIV – A Challenge to Win', 18th World Congress of Sexology (April 15-19, 2007). Sydney, Australia, 2007.


Ng M.L., Marriage and Sex, Conference on Strengthening Hong Kong Families – Awareness, Commitment and Action, organized by Women's Commission, Central Policy Unit, Government of Hong Kong SAR, and HKU Family Institute (September 5, 2006). Hong Kong, 2006.


Ng M.L., Marriage and Sex, Conference on Strengthening Hong Kong Families—Awareness, Commitment and Action. Hong Kong. 2006.


Ng M.L., Sex and Marital therapy for the Chinese in Modern Day Hong Kong and China, The AOFS Symposium on Adapting the Dogmas of Sex & Marital Therapy to Ethnicity and Culture in Asia. 18th World Congress of Sexology (April 15-19, 2007). Sydney, Australia, 2007.


Ng M.L., Sex tonics: Facts or Fiction, 9th Asia-Oceania Conference of Sexology (November 1-4, 2006). Bangkok, Thailand, 2006.


Ng M.L. and Ma J.L.C., Sexuality in Hong Kong Sepcial Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, In: B. Francoeur & R. J. Noonan, The Comtinuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality. New York, 2006.


Ng M.L., 應把性侵犯兒童者身份上網?, 明報, 2006, 22.8.2006: A28.


Ng M.L., 健康生命中的性, 澳門天主教美滿家庭協會, 澳門, 2006.


Pei Y., Ho P.S.Y. and Ng M.L., Studies on Women's Sexuality in China since 1980: A Critical Review, Journal of Sex Research. 2007, 44: 2: 202-212.


Researcher : Ran M

Project Title:

A long-term prospective follow-up study of suicide among persons with affective disorders in a chinese rural area


Ran M, Chan CLW, Yip PSF, Chen EYH


Social Sciences Faculty

Source(s) of Funding:

Small Project Funding

Start Date:




To explore the characteristics of suicide among 196 individuals with affective disorders in a 10-year prospective follow-up study in a Chinese rural community.


List of Research Outputs


Ran M., Chen E.Y.H., Conwell Y., Chan C.L.W., Yip P.S.F., Xiang M. and Caine E.D., Mortality in people with schizophrenia in rural China: 10-year cohort study, British Journal of Psychiatry. 2007, 190: 237-242.


Researcher : Sham PC

Project Title:

An association screen for schizophrenia susceptibility loci in a high-LD, gene-rich region of chromosome 3p


Sham PC



Source(s) of Funding:

Small Project Funding

Start Date:




To identify novel susceptibility loci for schizophrenia, by conducting a high-density SNP screen of a region recently identified by a meta-analysis of 20 genome-wide linkage scans.


Project Title:

A systematic screen for schizophrenia susceptibility loci in high-LD, gene-rich chromosomal regions implicated by meta-analysis of whole genome linkage scans


Sham PC, Chen RYL, Ng KP



Source(s) of Funding:

Competitive Earmarked Research Grants (CERG)

Start Date:




To identify novel susceptibility loci for schizophrenia, by conducting a high-density SNP screen of a number of chromosomal regions that are (a) identified as linkage hotspots by a recent meta-analysis of 20 genome-wide scans of schizophrenia, (b) gene-rich and (c) high in the level of linkage disequilibrium (LD). Optimal marker sets that tag all common variation in these regions will be selected using HapMap data on the Chinese population. These regions will be screened in 489 cases of DSM-IV schizophrenia and 520 controls recruited from Hong Kong; significant associations will be replicated on 500 cases and both parents recruited from Chengdu.


Project Title:

Optimal design of genome-wide association studies for multifactorial diseases


Sham PC, Ng MKP, Tang NLS



Source(s) of Funding:

Competitive Earmarked Research Grants (CERG)

Start Date:




To focus on the following issues in the design of genome-wide association studies: (1) multi-stage, multi-platform study designs; (2) function-informed selection of tag SNPs and haplotype tagging; to quantitative evaluation of subject informativeness; marker-based derivation of homogeneous sub-populations.


List of Research Outputs


Bramon E., Dempster E., Frangou S., McDonald C., Schoenberg P., MacCabe J.H., Walshe M., Sham P.C., Collier D. and Murray R.M., Is there an association between the COMT gene and P300 endophenotypes, European Psychiatry. 2006, 21(1): 70-73.


Brookes K., Xu X., Chen W., Zhou K., Neale B., Lowe N., Aneey R., Franke B., Gill M., Ebstein R., Buitelaar J., Sham P.C., Campbell D., Knight J., Andreou P., Altink M., Arnold R., Boer F., Buschgens C., Butler L., Christiansen H., Feldman L., Fleischman K., Fliers E., Howe-Forbes R., Goldfarb A., Heise A., Gabriëls I., Korn-Lubetzki I., Marco R., Medad S., Minderaa R., Mulas F., Müller U., Mulligan A., Rabin K., Rommelse N., Sethna V., Sorohan J., Uebel H., Psychogiou L., Weeks A., Barrett R., Craig I., Banaschewski T., Sonuga-Barke E., Eisenberg J., Kuntsi J., Manor I., McGuffin P., Miranda A., Oades R.D., Plomin R., Roeyers H., Rothenberger A., Sergeant J., Steinhausen H.C., Taylor E., Thompson M., Faraone S.V., Asherson P. and Johansson L., The analysis of 51 genes in DSM-IV combined type attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: association signals in DRD4, DAT1 and 16 other genes , Molecular Psychiatry. 2006, 11(10): 934-953.


Campbell D.D., Rijsdijk F.V. and Sham P.C., Computation of individual latent variable scores from data with multiple missingness patterns, Behavior Genetics. 2007, 37(2): 408-422.


Chan D., Song Y., Sham P.C. and Cheung K.M.C., Genetics of disc degeneration, Eur Spine J. 2006, 15 Suppl 15: 317-25.


Chan Y.K., Tse Y.T., Chan S.Y., Liu W., Garcia-Barcelo M.M., Sham P.C. and Khoo U.S., Estrogen receptors genetic polymorphisms risk association and their functional roles in breast cancer risk: a study on Hong Kong Chinese women, 100th American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, USA . 2007, Abstract no. 5269.


Cheung C.L., Huang Q., Ng M.Y.M., Chan V.N.Y., Sham P.C. and Kung A.W.C., Confirmation of linkage to chromosome 1q for spine bone mineral density in Southern Chinese, 11th Research Postgraduate Symposium, HKU, 7 Dec 2006.


Cheung C.L., Huang Q., Ng M.Y.M., Chan V.N.Y., Sham P.C. and Kung A.W.C., Confirmation of linkage to chromosome 1q for spine bone mineral density in southern Chinese, Human Genetics. 2006, 120: 354-359.


Cheung C.L., Huang Q., Ng M.Y.M., Chan V.N.Y., Sham P.C. and Kung A.W.C., Confirmation of linkage to chromosome 1q for spine bone mineral density in southern Chinese, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 2006, 21(Suppl 1): S146.


Cheung C.L., Sham P.C., Chan V.N.Y. and Kung A.W.C., Peak-wide association study on chromosome 3p21 identifies the CACNA2D2 gene as a novel susceptibility gene for osteoporosis, 8th International Meeting on Human Genome Variation and Complex Genome Analysis, 14-16 Sep 2006, Hong Kong. 2006.


Cheung K.M.C., Chan D., Karppinen J., Chen Y.Q., Jim J.J.T., Yip S.P., Ott J., Wong K.K., Sham P.C., Luk K.D.K., Cheah K.S.E., Leong J.C.Y. and Song Y., Association of the Taq I allele in vitamin D receptor with degenerative disc disease and disc bulge in a Chinese population, Spine. 2006, 31(10): 1143-1148.


Cheung K.M.C., Song Y., Kao P.Y.P., Ho D.W.H., Fan B., Karppinen J., Yip S.P., Cheong J.C.Y., Luk K.D.K., Ott J., Cheah K.S.E., Sham P.C. and Chan D., Three genes in the aggrecan degradation pathway act synergistically to predispose to degenerative disc disease., International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. 34th annual Meeting, June 10-14, 2007 Hong Kong. 2007.


Cheung K.M.C., Song Y., Kao P.Y.P., Ho D.W.H., Fan B., Karppinen J., Yip S.P., Leong J.C.Y., Luk K.D.K., Ott J., Cheah K.S.E., Sham P.C. and Chan D., Three genes in the aggrecan degraduation pathway act synergistically to predispose to degenerative disc disease, 34th Annual Meeting of International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine, Hong Kong, June 10-14, 2007.


Curtis D. and Sham P.C., Journal Letter: Estimated haplotype counts from case-control samples cannot be treated as observed counts, American Journal of Human Genetics. 2006, 78(4): 729-730.


Curtis D., Knight J. and Sham P.C., Program report: GENECOUNTING support programs, Annals of Human Genetics. 2006, 70: 277-279.


Dempster E.L., Toulopoulou T., McDonald C., Bramon E., Walshe M., Wickham H., Sham P.C., Murray R.M. and Collier D.A., Episodic memory performance predicated by the 2bp deletion in exon 6 of the “alpha 7-like” nicotinic receptor subunit, American Journal of Psychiatry. 2006, 163(10): 1832-U2.


Dikeos D.G., Wickham H., McDonald C., Walshe M., Sigmundsson T., Bramon E., Grech A., Toulopoulou T., Murray R. and Sham P.C., Distribution of symptom dimension across Kraepelinian divisions, British Journal of Psychiatry gene. 2006, 189: 346-353.


Fong P.Y., Garcia-Barcelo M.M., Sham P.C., Ng P.K.M., Lau C.F., So M.T., Mak W.W. and Tam P.K.H., Genetic mapping for RET-dependent modifiers in Hirschsprung disease (HSCR), 56th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, New Orleans, U.S.A., 9-13 October 2006.


Hall M.H., Schulze K., Bramon E., Murray R.M., Sham P.C. and Rijsdijk F., Genetic overlap between P300, P50 and duration mismatch negativity , American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B-Neuropsychiatric Genetics. 2006, 141(B): 336-343.


Hall M.H., Rijsdijk F., Kalidindi S., Schulze K., Kravariti E., Kane F., Sham P.C., Bramon E. and Murray R.M., Genetic overlap between bipolar illness and event-related potentials, Psychological Medicine. 2007, 37(5): 667-678.


Hall M.H., Rijsdijk F., Picchioni M., Schulze K., Ettinger U., Toulopoulou T., Bramon E., Murray R.M. and Sham P.C., Substantial shared genetic influences on schizophrenia and event-related potentials, American Journal f Psychiatr. 2007, 164(5): 804-812.


Ho D.W.H., Cheung K.M.C., Chan D., Karppinen J., Yip S.P., Ott J., Luk K.D.K., Leong J.C.Y., Cheah K.S.E., Sham P.C. and Song Y., Linkage Analysis on Familial Early-Onset Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD)., ABS#apbc056 Jan14-17. 2007.


Ho D.W.H., Cheung K.M.C., Chan D., Karppinen J., Yip S.P., Ott J., Luk K.D.K., Leong J.C.Y., Cheah K.S.E., Sham P.C. and Song Y., Linkage analysis on familial early onset degenerative disc disease, 34th Annual Meeting of International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine, Hong Kong, June 10-14, 2007.


Ho D.W.H., Cheung K.M.C., Chan D., Karppinen J., Yip S.P., Ott J., Luk K.D.K., Leong J.C.Y., Cheah K.S.E., Sham P.C. and Song Y., Linkage analysis on familial early-onset degenerative disc disease, Bester Poster Award, 34th Annual Meeting of International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine, June 10-14, 2007. 2007.


Huang Q., Cheung C.L., Chan V.N.Y., Sham P.C. and Kung A.W.C., Identification of Two Sex-specific Quantitative Trait Loci in Chromosome 11q for Hip Bone Mineral Density in Chinese , 56th Annual Meeting of The American Society of Human Genetics . 2006.


Huang Q., Ng M.Y.M., Cheung C.L., Chan V.N.Y., Sham P.C. and Kung A.W.C., Identification of two sex-specific quantitative trait loci in chromosome 11q for bone mineral density in southern Chinese, Human Heredity. 2006, 61: 237-243.


Huang Q., Ng M.Y.M., Cheung C.L., Chan V., Sham P.C. and Kung A.W.C., Identification of two sex-specific quantitative trait loci in chromosome 11q for hip bone mineral density in Chinese, Human Heredity. 2006, 61(4): 237-243.


Huang Q., Cheung C.L., Chan V.N.Y., Sham P.C. and Kung A.W.C., Peak-wide association study on chromosome 3p21 identifies the CACNA2D2 gene as a novel susceptibility gene for osteoporosis , 8th International Meeting on Human Genome Variation and Complex Genome Analysis (HGV2006). 2006.


Hye A., Lynham S., Thambisetty M., Causevic M., Campbell J., Byers H.L., Hooper C., Rijsdijk F., Tabrizi S.J., Banner S., Shaw C.E., Foy C., Poppe M., Archer N., Hamilton G., Powell J., Brown R.G., Sham P.C., Ward M. and Lovestone S., Proteome-based plasma biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease , Brain. 2006, 129: 3042-3050.


Ioannidis J.P.A., Ng M.Y.M., Sham P.C., Zintzaras E., Lewis C.M., Deng H.W., Econs M.J., Karasik D., Devoto M., Kammerer C.M., Spector T., Andrew T., Cupples L.A., Duncan E.L., Foroud T., Kiel D.P., Koller D., Langdahl B., Mitchell B.D., Peacock M., Recker R., Shen H., Sol-Church K., Spotila L.D., Uitterlinden A.G., Wilson S.G., Kung A.W.C. and Ralston S.H., Meta-analysis of genome-wide scans provides evidence for sex- and site-specific regulation of bone mass, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 2007, 22: 173-83.


Iwata Y., Nakajima M., Yamada K., Nakamura K., Sekine Y., Tsuchiya K.J., Sugihara G., Matsuzaki H., Suda S., Suzuki K., Takei N., Mori N., Iwayama Y., Takao H., Yoshikawa T., Riley B., Makoff A., Sham P.C., Chen R.Y.L. and Collier D., Linkage disequilibrium analysis of CHRNA7 gene and its partially duplicated region in schizophrenia, Neuroscience Research. 2007, 57(2): 194-202.


Kao P.Y.P., Chan D., Cheung K.M.C., Cheah K.S.E., Sham P.C. and Song Y., Investigating Epistasis in Degenerative Disc Disease., ABS#apbc101 Jan 14-17, 2007.


Knight J. and Sham P.C., Design and analysis of association studies using pooled DNA from large twin samples, Behavior Genetics. 2006, 36(5): 665-677.


Kravariti E., Toulopoulou T., Mapua-Filbey F., Schulze K., Walshe M., Sham P.C., Murray R.M. and McDonald C., Intellectual asymmetry and genetic liability in first-degree relatives of probands with schizophrenia, British Journal of Psychiatry. 2006, 188: 186-187.


Lancefied K., Nosarti C., Rifkin L., Allin M., Sham P.C. and Murray R., Cerebral asymmetry in 14 year olds born very preterm, Brain Research. 2006, 1096: 33-40.


Lee A.M., Wong J.G.W.S., McAlonan G.M., Cheung V., Cheung C., Sham P.C., Chu C.M., Wong P.C., Tsang K.W.T. and Chua S.E., Stress and psychological distress among SARS survivors 1 year after the outbreak, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry-Revue Canadienne De Psychiatrie. 2007, 52(4): 233-240.


Li D.W., Sham P.C., Owen M.J. and He L., Meta-analysis shows significant association between dopamine system genes and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHA), Human Molecular Genetics. 2006, 15(14): 2276-2284.


Li M., Jiang L., Song Y., Ho S.L. and Sham P.C., Over-Representation Pattern of SNPs in the Genome of Restless Legs Syndrome Samples., ABS# apbc073 . 2007, Jan14-17,2007.


Ma X.H., Wang Q., Sham P.C., Liu X.H., Rabe-Hesketh S., Sun X.L., Meng H.Q., Chen W., Chen E.Y.H., Deng W., Chan R.C.K., Murray R.M., Collier D.A. and Li T., Neurocognitive deficits in first-episode schizophrenic patients and their first-degree relatives, American Journal of Medical Genetics. 2006, 141B(7): 775.


Ma X.H., Wang Q., Sham P.C., Liu X.H., Rabe-Hesketh S., Sun X.L., Meng H.Q., Chen W., Chen E.Y.H., Deng W., Chan R.C.K., Murray R.M., Collier D.A. and Li T., Neurocognitive deficits in first-episode schizophrenic patients and their first-degree relatives, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B-Neuropsychiatric Genetics. 2006, 141B: 775.


McAlonan G.M., Lee A.M., Cheung V., Cheung C., Tsang K.W.T., Sham P.C., Chua S.E. and Wong J.G.W.S., Immediate and sustained psychological impact of an emerging infectious disease outbreak on health care workers, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry-Revue Canadienne De Psychiatrie. 2007, 52(4): 241-247.


McDonald C., Marshall N., Sham P.C., Bullmore E.T., Schulze K., Chapple B., Bramon E., Filbey F., Quraishi S., Walshe M. and Murray R.M., Regional brain morphometry in patients with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder and their unaffected relatives, American Journal of Psychiatry. 2006, 163(3): 478-487.


Ng M.Y.M., Sham P.C., Paterson A.D., Chan V.N.Y. and Kung A.W.C., Effect of environmental factors and gender on the heritability of bone mineral density and bone size, Ann Hum Genet. 2006, 70: 428-38.


North B.V., Sham P.C., Knight J., Martin E.R. and Curtis D., Investigation of the ability of haplotype association and logistic regression to identify associated susceptibility loci, Annals of Human Genetics. 2006, 70: 893-906.


Purcell S., Daly M.J. and Sham P.C., Haplotype-based association analysis, Bioinformatics. 2007, 23(2): 255-256.


Sham P.C., Ao S.I., Kwan S.H., Kao P., Cheung F., Fong P.Y. and Ng M.K., Combining functional and linkage disequilibrium information in the selection of tag SNPs, Bioinformatics. 2007, 23(1): 129-131.


Song Y., Cheung K.M.C., Ho D.W.H., Chiba K., Kawaguchi Y., Hirose Y., Alini M., Yee A.F.Y., Poon S.C.S., Leong J.C.Y., Luk K.D.K., Yip S.P., Karppinen J., Cheah K.S.E., Sham P.C., Ikegawa S. and Chan D., Association of the Asporin D14 allele to lumbar disc degeneration in Chinese and Japanese., Gordon Research Conference on Cartilage Biology and Pathology, March 4-9, 2007, Ventura, CA, USA. 2007.


Song Y., Cheung K.M.C., Fan B., Karppinen J., Yip S.P., Leong J.C.Y., Luk K.D.K., Ott J., Cheah K.S.E., Sham P.C. and Chan D., SNP-SNP Interaction in Intervertebral Disc Disease with Genes in the Aggrecan Degradation Pathway, The 8th International Meeting on Human Genome Variation and Complex Genome Analysis. Le Meridien Cyberport Hotel and Convention Centre, Hong Kong SAR, China. 14 Sept-16 Sept . 2006.


Tang L.F., Chan S.Y., Sham P.C. and Song Y., In silico mapping of quantitative trait loci affecting bone mineral density in mice., 8th International Meeting On HUMAN GENOME VARIATION & COMPLEX GENOME ANALYSIS (HGV2006) Sept 14-16, 2006. Hong Kong. 2006.


Tse Y.T., Chan Y.K., Chan S.Y., Xu M.S., Sham P.C. and Khoo U.S., Estorgen Receptors Genes and Breast cancer Risk in Chinese: A Haplotype-based Analysis, International Cancer Congress (13th), Hong Kong, 15 - 17 November 2006.


Tso A.W.K., Sham P.C., Wat N.M.S., Xu A., Cheung B.M.Y., Rong R., Fong H.Y., Xu J., Cheng K.Y., Janus E.D. and Lam K.S.L., Polymorphisms of the gene encoding adiponectin and glycaemic outcome of Chinese subjects with impaired glucose tolerance: a 5-year follow-up study, Diabetologia. 2006, 49: 1806-15.


Virtanen I.M., Song Y., Cheung K.M.C., Ala-Kokko L., Karppinen J., Ho D.W.H., Luk K.D.K., Yip S.P., Leong J.C.Y., Cheah K.S.E., Sham P.C. and Chan D., Phenotypic and Population Differences in the Association between CILP and Lumbar Disc Disease., Journal of Medical Genetics. 2007, 44(4): 285-8.


Wang Q., Chan R.C.K., Sun J.H., Yao J., Deng W., Sun X.L., Liu X.H., Sham P.C., Ma X.H., Meng H.Q., Murray R.M., Collier D.A. and Li T., Reaction time of the Continuous Performance Test is an endophenotypic marker for schizophrenia: A study of first-episode neuroleptic-naive schizophrenia, their non-psychotic first-degree relatives and healthy population controls, Schizophrenia Research. 2007, 89(1-3): 293-298.


Xu A., Tso A.W., Cheung B.M.Y., Wang Y., Wat N.M.S., Fong H.Y., Yeung C.Y., Janus E.D., Sham P.C. and Lam K.S.L., Circulating adipocyte-fatty acid binding protein levels predict the development of the metabolic syndrome: a 5-year prospective study, Circulation. 2007, 115: 1537-43.


Xu A., Tso A.W.K., Cheung B.M.Y., Wang Y., Wat N.M.S., Fong H.Y., Yeung C.Y., Janus E.D., Sham P.C. and Lam K.S.L., Circulating levels of adipocyte-fatty acid binding protein correlate with its adipose tissue expression and predict the development of the metabolic syndrome. , The Endocrine Society's 89th Annual Meeting, 2-5 June 2007, Toronto. 2007.


Xu J., Sham P.C., Xu A., Tso A.W.K., Wat N.M.S., Cheng K.Y., Fong H.Y., Janus E.D. and Lam K.S.L., Resistin gene polymorphisms and progression of glycaemia in southern Chinese: a 5-year prospective study, Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2007, 66: 211-7.


Yeung M.Y., Smith D.K., Chan S.Y., Wong B.C.W., Cheung K.M.C., Cheah K.S.E., Sham P.C., Chan D. and Song Y., iCartiGD: Integrated Cartilage Gene Database for genetic study of cartilage, BMC Genetics . 2007, 8: 4.


Yeung M.Y., Smith D.K., Chan M.S.Y., Wong C.B., Wong B.C., Cheung K.M.C., Luk K.D.K., Cheah K.S.E., Sham P.C., Chan D. and Song Y., iCartiGD: the integrated cartilage egne database, BMC Genetics. 2007, 8(1): 4.


Yeung M.Y., Smith D.K., Chan S.Y., Wong B.C.W., Cheung K.M.C., Cheah K.S.E., Sham P.C., Chan D. and Song Y., iCartiGD:The Integrated Cartilage Gene Database., The Integrated Cartilage Gene Database, The Fifth Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference, APBC2007; 14-17 Jan, 2007; Hong Kong. 2007.


Researcher : So KF

Project Title:

Neuroprotection in steroid therapy: an animal model


So KF, Lee TMC, Tang SW



Source(s) of Funding:

Research Fund for the Control of Infectious Diseases - Full Grants

Start Date:




To investigate the effect of Lithium and paroxetine in arresting hippocampal damages associated with high dosage of steroid through quantitative neuro-anatomical and immunohistochemical methods.


Project Title:

The role of KhcU on the development and intracellular transportation of rod bipolar cell of mice retina


So KF, Huang J



Source(s) of Funding:

Small Project Funding

Start Date:


Completion Date:




In this study, we make use of the previously created Pcp2-IRES-Cre mouse line and knock out the ubiquitously expressed kinesin heavy chain (KhcU) specifically in rod bipolar cells. We aim to investigate: 1) the retinal phenotypic and developmental changes after KhcU knockout in rod bipolar; 2) the alterations of intracellular transportation in the absence of KhcU, the MyosinVa-mediated processes will be specially noted.


Project Title:

Hemostasis and Hong Kong: The future hub of Nanomedicine


So KF, Ellis-Behnke RG, Liang Y, Tay DKC



Source(s) of Funding:

Innovation and Technology Support Programme

Start Date:




In order to progress the work to humans we need to perform four additional experiements: 1. Identify the mechanism of action 2. Perform large animal trials in pigs with a liver laceration model 3. Determine the best way to measure the quality of the material during manufacturing 4. Follow up the breakdown of the material by radio labeling the material in the brain and liver


Project Title:

Nanobiomedical manufacturing: the workforce of tomorrow


So KF, Ellis-Behnke RG, Tay DKC, Liang Y



Source(s) of Funding:

Innovation and Technology Support Programme

Start Date:




The goal is to not only understand the variation in the manufacturing process, but to understand how to remove that variation. At the same time the process needs to be optimized for cost, purity and the quantities that will be needed for use in humans.


Project Title:

The role of endothelin-1 in chronic ocular hypertension and retinal ischemia-reperfusion


So KF, Chung SK



Source(s) of Funding:

Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research

Start Date:




Glaucoma is an ocular degenerative disease and characterized by progressive damage of optic nerve fibers and retinal ganglion cells (RGC), resulting in progressive visual field loss and excavation of the optic nerve head. As a leading cause of blindness worldwide, glaucoma continues to be a clinical problem. Optic nerve damage in most forms of glaucoma is commonly associated with increased intraocular pressure (IOP) caused by impairment in the normal aqueous humor outflow pathway. Yet, increased IOP may not be the sole risk factor for glaucomatous disease, and because the eye is a highly perfused organ, the vascular system may also play a key role in disease progression. Indeed, death of RGC is thought to be initiated after ischemia resulting from a prolonged vasoconstriction and/or vasospasms from abnormal auto-regulation of the retinal microcirculation. Recent experimental evidence suggests that endothelin-1 (ET-1), a potent vasoconstrictor, may be an important contributor to glaucoma pathophysiology. Studies indicate that perfusion instability, resulted from a disturbed auto-regulation in the context of a general vascular dysregulation, might contribute to glaucoma. Indeed, ET-1 levels in the aqueous humor and plasma are higher in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma. Both vascular (endothelial) and glial (astrocytic) ET-1 are involved in the regulation of retinal micro-circulation; yet, the involvement of these two components in pathophysiology of glaucoma retinopathy is poorly understood. Transient ischemia-related diseases, such as central retinal artery occlusion, angle-closure glaucoma and carotid artery disease, also affect vision. Various methods, such as raising the IOP through cannulation of the eye and ligation of the central retinal artery together with the optic nerve, have been used to create a model of retinal ischemia-reperfusion, but they have drawbacks and limitations. In light of this, we decided to investigate the contribution of vascular and glial ET-1 to the pathogenesis of glaucoma and retinal ischemia-reperfusion using animal models. As validation and interpretation of the published data on human studies are difficult, animal systems may provide insights into exploring the underlying molecular mechanisms of development of glaucoma. Dogs and rats have provided valuable information on the pathogenesis of experimental glaucoma in the form of ocular hypertension, but they are poorly suited for these studies using modern methods of genetic manipulations. Building on our longstanding expertise in studies using transgenic mice, we propose to use transgenic mouse models to study the involvement of ET-1 in retinal structural and functional lesions in ocular hypertension. With the availability of the Tie1-ET-1 (TET-1) and GFAP-ET1 (GET-1) transgenic mice that we generated, we plan to use these animals in our experiments proposed below. The TET-1 mice over-express ET-1 in the endothelial cells under the control of the tie-1 promoter whereas the GET-1 mice carry a transgene in which ET-1 expression is targeted by the GFAP promoter to the astrocytes and Muller cells. Here, we propose to challenge these two lines of transgenic mice to ocular hypertension and assay for retinal structural lesions and functional deficits. In addition, we will challenge these mice with middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) using the intraluminal method, a well established model that is shown to result in retinal ischemia. In so doing, we will be able to investigate the differential contribution of vascular and glial ET-1 in experimental glaucoma and retinal ischemia-reperfusion. Our approach is outlined as follows: 1.To determine the expression of ET-1 and its related genes in chronic ocular hypertension and retinal ischemia-reperfusion. 2.To determine the effects of vascular ET-1 and glial ET-1 in retinal development using transgenic mouse models. 3.To determine the effects of vascular ET-1 and glial ET-1 in ocular hypertension and retinal ischemia-reperfusion. 4.To understand the underlying mechanism behind the observed effects of endothelial and astrocytic ET-1 in chronic ocular hypertension and retinal ischemia-reperfusion using proteomics analyses


List of Research Outputs


Lau W.M., Qiu G., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Corticosteroid decreases subventricular zone cell proliferation, which could be reversed by paroxetine , Restorative neurology and neuroscience . 2007, 25(1): 17-23.


Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Differential effect of chronic corticosterone and antidepressant treatment on amygdale cell proliferation and depression-like behavior , The Hong Kong Society for Biological Psychiatry 2007. 2007.


Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Effect of corticosteroid and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor on amygdala neurogenesis and depressive behavior , The University of Hong Kong Research postgraduate symposium 2007. 2007.


Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Effects of corticosteroid and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor on masculine copulatory behavior, and c-fos expression in extended amygdala and preoptic areas, Neuroscience 2007. San Diego, US, Session 842.1.


Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Qiu G., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Inhibition Of Masculine Sexual Behavior Induced By Corticosterone , Hong Kong Society of Biological Psychiatry Conference 2006. 2006.


Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Qiu G., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment diminishes inhibition of masculine sexual behavior , The 4th Congress of FAONS. 2006.


Qiu G., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Modulation By Paroxetine Of Suppressive Effect Of Corticosterone On Adult Hippocampal Cell Proliferation , Hong Kong Society of Biologcial Psychiatry Conference 2006. 2006.


Yau S.K., Lau W.M., Tang S.W., Lee T.M.C. and So K.F., Protective effect of exercise on corticosterone suppressed hippocampal cell proliferation, Postgraduate seminar 2006, Department of Anatomy, HKU. 2006.


Yau S.Y., Lau W.M., Tang S.W., Lee T.M.C. and So K.F., Effect of Different Doses of Corticosterone on Hippocampal Cell Proliferation, The Hong Kong Society for Biological Psychiatry . 2007.


Yau S.Y., Lau W.M., Tang S.W., Lee T.M.C. and So K.F., Effect of voluntary exercise on corticosterone suppressed hippocampal cell proliferation and impaired spatial memory, Postgraduate Seminar 2007, Department of Anatomy, HKU. 2007.


Researcher : Song Y

List of Research Outputs


Cheung K.M.C., Chan D., Karppinen J., Chen Y.Q., Jim J.J.T., Yip S.P., Ott J., Wong K.K., Sham P.C., Luk K.D.K., Cheah K.S.E., Leong J.C.Y. and Song Y., Association of the Taq I allele in vitamin D receptor with degenerative disc disease and disc bulge in a Chinese population, Spine. 2006, 31(10): 1143-1148.


Researcher : Tai KS

List of Research Outputs


Chua S.E., Cheung C., Cheung V., Tsang J.T.K., Chen E.Y.H., Wong J.C.H., Cheung J.P.Y., Yip L., Tai K.S., Suckling J. and McAlonan G.M., Cerebral grey, white matter & CSF in never-medicated, first-episode Schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Research. 2006, 89: 12-21.


Deng Y., Cheung V., Cheung C., Chen E.Y.H., Tsang J.T.K., Wong J.C.H., Yip L., Tai K.S., Suckling J., Bullmore E., McAlonan G.M. and Chua S.E., Early cerebral grey matter excess in basal ganglia after early treatment in first-onset, never-medicated schisophrenia, 13th Annual Meeting Human Brain Mapping. Chicago, USA, 2007.


Deng Y., Cheung V., Cheung C., Chen E.Y.H., Tsang J.T.K., Wong J.C.H., Yip L., Tai K.S., Suckling J., Bullmore E., McAlonan G.M. and Chua S.E., Early cerebral grey matter excess in basal ganglia after early treatment in first-onset, never-medicated schizophrenia, 2nd International Congress of Biological Psychiatry 2007. Santiago, Chile.


Researcher : Tang HNA

List of Research Outputs


Tang H.N.A., Wong J.G.W.S., Patil N.G. and Mak-Lieh F., Teaching and learning of medical professionalism - medical students' experience at the University of Hong Kong, Cotone Congressi, Genoa, Italy (14-18 September 2006). Genoa, Italy, Association for Medical Education in Europe, 2006, 9, 2G 4.


Researcher : Tang SW

List of Research Outputs


Lau W.M., Qiu G., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Corticosteroid decreases subventricular zone cell proliferation, which could be reversed by paroxetine , Restorative neurology and neuroscience . 2007, 25(1): 17-23.


Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Differential effect of chronic corticosterone and antidepressant treatment on amygdale cell proliferation and depression-like behavior , The Hong Kong Society for Biological Psychiatry 2007. 2007.


Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Effect of corticosteroid and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor on amygdala neurogenesis and depressive behavior , The University of Hong Kong Research postgraduate symposium 2007. 2007.


Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Effects of corticosteroid and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor on masculine copulatory behavior, and c-fos expression in extended amygdala and preoptic areas, Neuroscience 2007. San Diego, US, Session 842.1.


Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Qiu G., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Inhibition Of Masculine Sexual Behavior Induced By Corticosterone , Hong Kong Society of Biological Psychiatry Conference 2006. 2006.


Lau W.M., Qiu G., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Reversal of corticosterone-induced subventricular zone cell proliferation decrease by paroxetine, Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience. 2007, 25: 17-23.


Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Qiu G., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment diminishes inhibition of masculine sexual behavior , The 4th Congress of FAONS. 2006.


Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Qiu G., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment diminishes inhibition of masculine sexual behavior caused by corticosterone, Thd 4th Congress of Federation of Asian-Oceanian Neuroscience Societies, November 30 - December 2, 2006, Hong Kong. 2006, 120 No. P-C22.


Lee A.C.K., Tang S.W., Yu G.K.K. and Cheung R.T.F., Depression After Stroke: Incidence and Predictors , In: LI KA SHING FACULTY OF MEDICINE , THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG LI KA SHING FACULTY OF MEDICINE 11th Research Postgraduate Symposium . 2006.


Lee A.C.K., Tang S.W., Yu G.K.K. and Cheung R.T.F., Smiley diagrams: a simple tool to detect depression after stroke, Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: Paradigms & Dialogue . Hong Kong, 2007.


Lee A.C.K., Tang S.W., Yu G.K.K. and Cheung R.T.F., The Smiley as a Simple Screening Tool for Depression After Stroke: a preliminary study., International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2007, 45: 1081-1089.


Qiu G., Helmeste D.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Modulation By Paroxetine Of Suppressive Effect Of Corticosterone On Adult Hippocampal Cell Proliferation , Hong Kong Society of Biologcial Psychiatry Conference 2006. 2006.


Qiu G., Helmeste D.M., Samaranayake N.A., Lau W.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Modulation by paroxetine of suppressive effect of corticosterone on adult hippocampal cell proliferation, Neuroscience Bulletin. 2007, 23: 131-136.


Tang S.W., Using lithium, Hong Kong Medical Journal. 2006, 12 no.4.


Yau S.K., Lau W.M., Tang S.W., Lee T.M.C. and So K.F., Protective effect of exercise on corticosterone suppressed hippocampal cell proliferation, Postgraduate seminar 2006, Department of Anatomy, HKU. 2006.


Yau S.Y., Lau W.M., Tang S.W., Lee T.M.C. and So K.F., Counteractive effect of voluntary exercise on depression-like behavior of corticoseterone treated rats. , The University of Hong Kong Research postgraduate Symposium. 2007.


Yau S.Y., Lau W.M., Tang S.W., Lee T.M.C. and So K.F., Effect of Different Doses of Corticosterone on Hippocampal Cell Proliferation, The Hong Kong Society for Biological Psychiatry . 2007.


Yau S.Y., Lau W.M., Tang S.W., Lee T.M.C. and So K.F., Effect of voluntary exercise on corticosterone suppressed hippocampal cell proliferation and impaired spatial memory, Postgraduate Seminar 2007, Department of Anatomy, HKU. 2007.


Researcher : Wong AWS

List of Research Outputs


Wong A.W.S., Chiu C.Y., Mok J.W.Y., Wong J.G.W.S. and Chen E.Y.H., The role of knowledge and motivation in symptom identification accuracy among schizophrenic patients: Application of signal detection theory, British Journal of Clinical Psychology. The British Psychological Society, 2006, 45: 427-436.


Researcher : Wong JGWS

Project Title:

What makes a good clinical teacher in the new medical curriculum? A focus group study on student perception


Wong JGWS, Lam TP, Mak-Lieh F



Source(s) of Funding:

Other Funding Scheme

Start Date:




To examine medical student perceptions on what makes a good clinical teacher; to explore the concept of a good role model.


Project Title:

A follow-up study on the severity of psychological sequelae in SARS patients


Wong JGWS, Sham PC, Wong PC, McAlonan GM, Chu CM, Lee AM, Lee PWH, Tsang KWT, Chua SE



Source(s) of Funding:

Small Project Funding

Start Date:




To assess severity of psychological sequelae in SARS patients (including infected HCWS after recovery from the infection; to assess severity of psychological sequelae in high risk and low risk HCWs after the SARS outbreak; to inform psychological intervention in the event of a future outbreak.


List of Research Outputs


Lau K.S., Siong K.H., Cheung P.W., Tang H.Y., Cheung K.S., Chan S.W., Lee P.W.H. and Wong J.G.W.S., An innovative web-based student support service: a student-initiated peer support network, Cotone Congressi (14-18 September 2006). Genoa, Italy, Association for Medical Education in Europe, 2006, 91 6D 3.


Lee A.M., Wong J.G.W.S., McAlonan G.M., Cheung V., Cheung C., Sham P.C., Chu C.M., Wong P.C., Tsang K.W.T. and Chua S.E., Stress and psychological distress among SARS survivors 1 year after the outbreak, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry-Revue Canadienne De Psychiatrie. 2007, 52(4): 233-240.


McAlonan G.M., Lee A.M., Cheung V., Cheung C., Tsang K.W.T., Sham P.C., Chua S.E. and Wong J.G.W.S., Immediate and sustained psychological impact of an emerging infectious disease outbreak on health care workers, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry-Revue Canadienne De Psychiatrie. 2007, 52(4): 241-247.


Tang H.N.A., Wong J.G.W.S., Patil N.G. and Mak-Lieh F., Teaching and learning of medical professionalism - medical students' experience at the University of Hong Kong, Cotone Congressi, Genoa, Italy (14-18 September 2006). Genoa, Italy, Association for Medical Education in Europe, 2006, 9, 2G 4.


Wong A.W.S., Chiu C.Y., Mok J.W.Y., Wong J.G.W.S. and Chen E.Y.H., The role of knowledge and motivation in symptom identification accuracy among schizophrenic patients: Application of signal detection theory, British Journal of Clinical Psychology. The British Psychological Society, 2006, 45: 427-436.


Wong J.G.W.S., Can Guardianship provisions in Hong Kong help in the management of 'mentally incapacitated persons' with mental illness?, Workshop on Mental Competence in Medical Practice. Hong Kong, 2007.


Wong J.G.W.S., The Assessment of Professionalism, International Conference of Medical Professionalism and Humanities (9 December 2006). Taiwan, 2006.


Researcher : Wong KWT

List of Research Outputs


Wong K.W.T., Fung P.C.W., McAlonan G.M. and Chua S.E., An ERP study of the spatiotemporal processing of facial expressions in children with autism, The 4th Congress of Federation of Asian-Oceanian Neuroscience Societies. Hong Kong, 2006.


Wong K.W.T., Fung P.C.W., McAlonan G.M. and Chua S.E., Event-related potentials to emotional facial expressions in children with autism, Psychophysiology. 2006, 43: S109.


Wong K.W.T., Fung P.C.W., McAlonan G.M. and Chua S.E., Multiple Dipole Source Analysis of Event-related Potentials to Emotional Facial Expressions, Biomedical Engineering Conference 2006. Hong Kong.


Wong K.W.T., Chan F.H.Y., Chan W.L., Kwan T.F. and To C.Y., brain Pathways in Processing Chinese and English by Primary Three Hong Kong Pupils based on Electroencephalography Coherence Analysis, Journal of Bio-education. 2006, 1(1): 34-39.


Researcher : Wong MMC

Project Title:

Enrichment of collections in the library of the S.K. Yee Mental Health Resources and Rehabilitation Centre


Wong MMC, Mak KY, Mak-Lieh F, Yau EFY



Source(s) of Funding:

S.K. Yee Medical Foundation - General Award

Start Date:




Taking care of mentally people in the community is often a great stress to the caregivers (including family members and staff of those agencies which are involved in the rehabilitation of the patients in the community). They often lack the knowledge in mental illness and are not equipped with the skills in taking care of the mentally ill patients. Therefore apart from offering services to the patients, the service should be extended to cover the caregivers. They should have easy access to information (including written and audio-visual material) so that they can have better knowledge on mental illness and can learn the skills in taking care of the mentally ill patients. It is also important to help the public to change their attitude towards the mentally ill through various public education materials which improve their awardness, understanding and acceptance of mental illness in the community.


List of Research Outputs


Chung K.F., Tso K.C., Cheung E.P. and Wong M.M.C., Validation of the Chinese version of the Mood Disorder Questionnaire for the screening of bipolar disorder, 7th International Conference on Bipolar Disorder. Pittsburgh, USA, 2007.


Lee P.W.H., Mak-Lieh F., Mak K.Y., Fung A.S.M., Wong M.M.C. and Lam J., Retrospective Analysis (RA)/Invited Centers: Hong Kong, In: Kim Hopper, Glynn Harrison, Aleksandar Janca, Norman Sartorius , Recovery From Schizophrenia An International Perspective A Report from the Who Collaborative Project, The International Study of Schizophrenia. New York, Oxford University Press, 2007, 255-265.


Researcher : Yeung WF

List of Research Outputs


Cheuk D.K.L., Yeung W.F., Chung K.F. and Wong V., Acupuncture for insomnia, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2007. 2007, Issue 3.


Yeung W.F., Chung K.F., Zhang S.P. and Yap T.G., A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial of Acupuncture for Primary Insomnia – Preliminary Data, SLEEP 2007 21st Annual Meeting. USA, Associated Professional Sleep Society, 2007.


Yeung W.F., Chung K.F., Zhang S.P., Yap T.G. and Chan Y.P., A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial of Acupuncture for Primary Insomnia, 2007 Hong Kong – Macau Postgraduate Symposium on Chinese Medicine. Hong Kong, Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association, 2007.


Yeung W.F. and Chung K.F., A Systematic Review of Acupuncture on Insomnia, 2006 Hong Kong – Macau Postgraduate Symposium on Chinese Medicine. Hong Kong, Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association, 2006, 158-159.


Yeung W.F. and Chung K.F., Acupuncture Treatment for Primary Insomnia: A systematic Review and Preliminary Local Data, 2006 World Congress on Chinese Medicine: Charting the Course of Development. Hong Kong, School of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2006, 89.


Yeung W.F. and Chung K.F., Acupuncture Treatment for Primary Insomnia: a Systematic Review and Preliminary Local Data, 11th Research Postgraduate Symposium. Hong Kong, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, 2006, 326.


Yeung W.F., Chung K.F. and Chan T.C.Y., Sleep-wake habits, excessive daytime sleepiness and academic performance among medical students in Hong Kong, Biological Rhythm Research. 2007.


Researcher : Zhang SP

List of Research Outputs


Yeung W.F., Chung K.F., Zhang S.P. and Yap T.G., A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial of Acupuncture for Primary Insomnia – Preliminary Data, SLEEP 2007 21st Annual Meeting. USA, Associated Professional Sleep Society, 2007.


Yeung W.F., Chung K.F., Zhang S.P., Yap T.G. and Chan Y.P., A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial of Acupuncture for Primary Insomnia, 2007 Hong Kong – Macau Postgraduate Symposium on Chinese Medicine. Hong Kong, Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association, 2007.

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