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Exotic Weapons

Introduction to Exotic Weapons

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Having a spine created mainly of either bronze or iron and flap created mainly of cloth, Tieshan is  one of the exotic weapons. Common in areas such as Shantung and Fujian. Like the short staff, it could ji and da. Techniques of this weapon consists mainly of hand forms. The schools which are famous for this weapon in Hong Kong includes Choi Li Fut and Preying Mantis.

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A weapon which works in pairs, is could be split into sanleng, luleng and huenyuans three different types. Main techniques includes ci, dian, hua, chuan, mo, tiao, zha, etc. Because of its easy to carry nature, it is of great popularity among martial artists. To this day, Shaolin still practices this weapon.

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A unique paired weapon of the style of Paqua, Also known as Ruyue-qianshenjian. Its style is very much like Paqua Zhang. Focussing mainly on the body's movements.

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A pole-arm, it is also classified as an exotic weapon. Because of the unique design, the use of it is also relatively hard as it could easily hurt one self. It could be held in various ways. In practice, moves such as chianzhadao, haozhadao, jenzhadao , fanzhadao zhanpidao, tiaodao, hengsaodao, yunbodao, jialandao, etc are used. It gives off a feeling of having a sword on every part of the body. With no areas vulnerable. Shaolin still teaches this weapon.

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A paired weapon , it emphasise on the body's movements In battle, it require the user to close in to the opponent and lock down the opponent's weapon. Main moves includes luen, za, pi, tui, sou, kou, tao, dai, gua, ya etc.  In Hong Kong, Paqua and Shaolin teaches this weapon.

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It is not a "weapon" as such but more like a farming tool.  But it is used as a weapon none the less. It is unique in the southern arts of Chinese martial art. It believed that when martial arts was taught in the south, tools like this was just taken as a form of weapon.  Moves such as chu, tiao, gou, sao, chou, pi, gua, dang, li, ge, etc are used.