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Introduction to Flexible Weapons


Having a difference between the hard and soft ( see image ) form, a soft bian could be sectioned into three, five, seven or nine. It could also be used in both single and double form. Main uses includes shoai, sao, chan, luen, dian, chou, gua, guai, gay, wuhau, etc. It requires the practitioner to be able to sweep one straight plain, retract at will, fast yet not chaotic. Many styles in Hong Kong teaches this weapon.

Sherngbiao, Liuxingchui:

Both are considered that be flexible weapons. And both uses similar techniques. Fast and strong, it uses moves like chan, pao, luen, sao, etc.  It is both fast and accurate, precise in the point of power. There is no actual routine for both weapons. Many famous moves includes Langzi-tichiou, Shianneu-guaixian, Zhang, Feipianma, Shizi-pihong, Xiongchian-guaying, qinglung-dong, heigou-zuandong etc.  Style of Taiji Preying Mantis teaches this technique.


Also known as Sanfen-parnlunggun. It is said to be invented by the first emperor of the Sung dynasty. What is special about it is that not only does it has techniques is a common staff such as pi, dian, liao, bo, sao, luen, gua, jia, rao, yun, zaietc, it also has move from dandao, shangdan, jian and bian. Gaining the strengths of all weapons.