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Lion Dance - Customs & Culture

            Since ancient times, China has been a agricultural society. The people thrived on the harvest leading simple lives. When no work is needed to be done, they would practice martial arts as a means to keep fit for daily lives as well as fighting off thieves. The practice of the lion dance is also a part of martial arts training. Aside from being a means of entertaining others, it could also train people to be co-operative and united. Therefore, it was widely accepted by the common people. The Lion dance would also therefore, be spread along with martial arts.

Chinese martial arts could be split into six main categories. (1) empty hand (2) weapons (3) sparring (4) internal power (5) lion dance (6) medicine. Most martial artists only study a few of these. Most martial arts masters work as a Chinese doctor, taking students during off hours. Whenever there are festivals, aside from lion dances, empty hand, weapons, and various sparring routines are performed. Showing excellence on every occasion.

             Most of the techniques of lion dances are developed from martial arts moves. The main differences are the ways in which the practitioner would understand and perform the dance. Therefore, in order to train in a lion dance, they would need to have at least a certain degree of expertise in a certain style of martial arts and a good stable foundation of their own training. As such, martial arts and lion dances are interconnected.