

Mr. THOE, Anthony W.

PhD Student


BEng(CIV-ENV), HKU (2004) First Class Honour
MPhil, HKU (2007)


email: wthoe@hkusua.hku.hk


Research Interest

Basin-scale hydrological modelling, River/Beach water quality modelling and forecast, Basin management.



Lee, J.H.W., Wang, Z.Y., Thoe, W., and Cheng, D.S. (2007) "Integrated physical and ecological management of the East River". Water Science & Technology: Water Supply, 7(2), 81-92.


  • Movies (Directors: To Kei-fung Johnny, Park Chan-wook, Werner Horzog, Krzysztof Kieslowski, Actors: Lau Chung-yan Damian, Kevin Spacey, Colin Firth, Gerard Depardieu);

  • Readings: 1. Chinese Novels (Qian Zhong-shu, Yu Hua, Chang Shi-Kuo), 2: Detective Stories (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, Akagawa Jiro)

  • Chorous singing

  • Language learning (Japanese)















