

Ms. CHAN, Stephy Y.M.

MPhil Student

BEng in Water Resources & Ocean Engineering, Zhejiang University (2008)

email: stepcym@hku.hk


Research Interest

Water Quality



Masago,Y., Miura, T., Chan, Y.M., Imai, T., and a, T., 2008. Detection of bacteria and enteric viruses from river and estuarine sediment. Process, the 17th Japan-Korea Symposium on Water Environment, Octover 2008, Ishinomaki, Japan.


Miura, T., Chan, Y.M., Masago, Y., and Omura, T. (2008). Evaluation of detection methods targeting host-specific Bacteroides spp. as a microbial source tracking marker. Process, 6th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, October 2008, Bandung, Indonesia


Collection of items, photography, travelling, attending performances