



CERC Studies in Comparative Education, No.9

Education in China and Abroad:

Perspectives from a Lifetime in Comparative Education


By Gu Mingyuan


ISBN 10: 962-8093-70-3; ISBN 13: 978-962-8093-70-0. (2001, 260pp.)

HK$200 (local), US$32 (overseas)

published by Comparative Education Research Centre (CERC)

Gu Mingyuan is one of China's most distinguished specialists in the field of comparative education. He is a long-serving of the China Comparative Education Society, and in 2000 he was elected President of the Chinese Education Society. Yet because most of his works have been published only in Chinese, they have been little-known internationally.

The book commences with an Introduction to Professor Gu's life and work by Ruth Hayhoe. She is a Past-President of the Comparative & International Education Society, and has made seminal contributions to the study of education in China from a comparative perspective. Since 1997 she has been Director of the Hong Kong Institute of Education.

The book commences with an Introduction to Professor Gu's life and work by Ruth Hayhoe. She is a Past-President of the Comparative & International Education Society, and has made seminal contributions to the study of education in China from a comparative perspectives. Since 1997 she has been Director of the Hong Kong Institute of Education.



Foreword by Mark Bray
Introduction by Ruth Hayhoe

Part I: Comparative Education and Educational Reform in China

  1. Modern Production and Modern Education

  2. The Development of Higher Education in the Modern World, and Higher Education Reform in China

  3. The Key to Successful Education Reform: A Shift in Ideology

  4. Some Issues Concerning Teaching Reforms in Higher Institutions

  5. A Discussion on Higher Teacher-Education Reform

  6. Modernisation and Education in Cultural Traditions in China

  7. The Complete Shift in Educational Ideas: Twenty Years of Ideological Liberation

  8. A Complete and Accurate Understanding of Mao Zedong's Thought


    Part II: Reflections on Education Abroad and At Home

  10. Basic Education Reforms in the USSR

  11. Educational Development in the USSR 1917-87: Lessons for China

  12. The Nature and Implications of Educational Development: A Global Analysis

  13. National Cultural Traditions and their Transformation

  14. Cultural Differences and Perspectives on the Roles of Teachers and Students in China and the United States

  15. Learning from Each Other: A Comparative Study of Education in China and Japan

  16. A Response to the Challenge of the New Era: Educational Reform for the 21st Century


    Part III: Comparative Education Theory and Methods

  18. Issues in the Development of Comparative Education in China

  19. Comparative Education: Retrospect and Prospect

  20. Comparative Education in China: Name and Reality

  21. The Internationalisation of Education and Comparative Education


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