Chairman: Louisa Chin 
Vice Chairman: C S Cheng
Vice chairman: Dr Gareth Ho
Secretary (General): Mr Cheung Chung Chuen
Secretary (Publication): Pauline Fan
Treasurer: Dr. Chak Man Chung
Social Convenor: Mrs Helen Wan
Sports Convenor: Mr Bill Ho
Committee Members: Frank Fung, Linda Tang, Sandy Lai


Last year had been a very interesting year for the Alumni. Thanks to the combined effort of the executive members we managed to continue our traditional sport programme and added on some new ones such as visit to Observatory and dinner talk by Elizabeth Wong. The most attended functions were still the Chinese New year Dinner and the Annual BBQ at Lane Cove, which provided a venue for get together for members and their family and friends.

This year also mark our first sponship of the Chinese Cultural Week organised by Chinese University Alumni. Not only we donated $1000 from the cultural fund to support the rental expenses we also have members actively participating in the programme. Helen Tang and KS Li exhibited their painting and calligraphy at the exhibition hall and Louisa Chin and Eric Lo performed at the closing ceremony, Alan Tang Lok Yee held a Chinese Riddle Seminar and was well received by over 100 attendees. I think this is a very good start and we hope that further co-operation between the two University alumni will improve the understanding of Chinese Culture by our next generation.

The naming of the Medical Faculty after Li Ka Shing has aroused a lot of criticism especially from our medical graduates. The executive committee felt very strongly about this and we sent our objection to Vice Chancellor Mr Tsui Lap Chi , Dean of Medical faculty Dr Lam Siu kam, Dean of Medical faculty and Chairperson of the HKU Alumni Miss Lau. Personally I think this is a very unwise move as it not only hurts the feeling of the medical graduates but also it may stop further donation from other philanthropists in the future. However it seem to me that the naming is final and further bickering among us may tarnish the image of the University. We may have to wait for the next generation to resolve such matter. After all we learn from history that the beautiful city of Leningrad is now called St Petersburg again.

The alumni try to reflect the views of our members and Dennis Wan has set up a web page for any member who would like to express his or her viewpoint on this matter. Mr Tui is going to visit Australia in late October 2005. We plan to hold a dinner reception for him on the 28 th October. Members who would like to meet him are most welcome to that function.

I would like to thank John Au for his creative approach in running our sport programme. He will retire from the committee next year and I wish him well in his newly established business. Our secretaries CC Cheung, Daisy Cheung and CS Cheng had performed their duties with a very high standard. Daisy will take a lesser role next year, as she will spend more time in Hong Kong ; we owe her a lot for her excellent newsletter that keep us well informed. Lillian Tsang our treasurer has managed to keep a healthy balance sheet and our Vice Chairmen Dr TT Wan and CS Cheng have contributed a lot in the drafting of our letter to the university. Gareth Ho and Bill Ho have also made our Annual BBQ a big success.

The newcomers Helen Wan and Louisa Chin are the most valuable assets we acquired last year. Both of them are enthusiastic and dutiful. Helen helped to organise the Observatory Visit and also act as a liaison officer between our Alumni and the Chinese University Alumni.

I am glad that all the committee members except John stay for another year but we need more fresh blood and I urge that some of you can come forward and serve the Alumni in the coming year.


Chung Chak Man


Committee Members