Azaleas on Campus
(March 14, 2007)
Bio-data of Mr Lawrence Fung

Bio-data of Mr Lawrence Fung

Mr Lawrence Fung is the Chairman of Hong Kong Economic Times Holdings Limited, a publicly listed company, since its inception. Apart from being a founder, he was also the first Publisher and Chief Editor of Hong Kong Economic Times (HKET) launched in 1988. Mr Fung is responsible for the overall strategic planning and development, policy-making and corporate missions setting of the Group. He has over 30 years of entrepreneurial experience in media and publishing, trading, securities, computer technology, manufacturing and business services.

Mr Fung graduated from King’s College and was admitted to the University of Hong Kong in 1969. He had been very active in student activities in his University days and was elected as President of the Students’ Union of the University of Hong Kong in 1971. Mr Fung obtained a Bachelor of Social Sciences degree from the University of Hong Kong (1972) and a Master of Arts degree in Economics from the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom (1977).

Mr Fung was awarded the Gold Bauhinia Star by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2003. He is also a Director of Hong Kong University Graduates Association Education Foundation.

 馮紹波先生 現為上市公司 經濟日報集團主席,乃《香港經濟日報》創辦人之一,該報於 1988 年創刊,他亦為該報首任社長兼總編輯,並自集團成立至今一直擔任主席。馮先生負責 經濟日報集團整體策略規劃及發展工作,制定政策及企業目標。馮先生擁有超過 30 年商業經驗,除傳媒及出版外,並曾從事貿易、證券、電腦科技、工業及商業服務等行業。

馮先生中學畢業於英皇書院 , 1969 考進香港大學,大學期間非常活躍於學生活動,並於 1971 年擔任學生會會長,在 1972 年於香港大學畢業,考獲社會科學學士;及後於英國曼徹斯特大學深造, 1977 獲頒經濟學碩士。馮先生於 2003 年獲香港特別行政區政府頒贈金紫荊星章。馮先生現亦為香港大學畢業同學會教育基金之董事。


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